For the Creative Place Outcome there is one population indicator which has been identified to help us track our progress and ensure we are on the right track. The population indicator is shown below further details can be found in the indicator baseline available to download below.
Creative Place
We are working with our community planning partners to develop realistic actions plans for the delivery of our Creative Place Outcome.

- 86% of adults engaged in arts/cultural activities
Using Evidence
“Connected” takes an outcomes based approach which means starting off with what we would like to achieve A Creative Place and working back to determine what we need to do to get there.
Each of the outcomes in the plan has a story to tell. We have identified what the issues and causes are by using evidence. A statistical baseline has been prepared and each team member reached out to community to gather the story behind the baseline.
This evidence was used to inform our Creative Place Action Plan.
Indicator Baseline
Engaging with Communities
- What three strengths help make Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council area a Creative Place?
- What three issues do we need to address to help make this a more Creative Place?
- What do you think is causing these issues?
- How do these impact on you as a service user, artist and/or provider?
- What is currently working well to support creativity?
- Which organisations or services should work together more? Why?
This action plan has been prepared by the Creative Place Thematic Action Planning team under the leadership of Averil Morrow, Education Authority as the Chair and Brian Johnston Armagh City and Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council as the Council Lead. The Action Plan has a total of ten actions which are being taken forward under the Creative Place outcome. The strategic actions for each are shown below. To view the full action plan please click the link below. The detailed actions set out in the action plan will be driven by the ‘Action Coordinator’ who will work in partnership with identified individuals and organisations. The performance measures will help measure how successful each action is.
Strategic Actions
- Strengthen Creative Profile
- Build Creative Capital
- Increasing Attendance & Participation by making Creativity, Arts, Culture and Heritage More Inclusive
Please contact the Community Planning team at Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council if you have any further enquiries:
Each thematic action planning team will report to the Community Planning Strategic Partnership every six months. The Progress reports provide an update from the Chair and show the performance of the Creative Place actions.
The Chair of the Creative Place action planning team reports to the Partnership in June and December.
Title | Size | Download |
Creative Place Chair Progress Report one June 2019 | 0.99 MB | DownloadPreview |