Home Resident Community and Voluntary Sector Panel

Community and Voluntary Sector Panel

Be part of ABC Community and Voluntary Sector Panel

Are you part of the community, voluntary and social enterprise sector? Do you want to have greater say on decisions that affect you, your community and your area? We are seeking expressions of interest to join the panel. Watch below as our Chair Geraldine and Vice Chair Donna shares the importance of having a collective voice and why you should join the panel too.

To register your interest to join the Community and Voluntary Sector Panel please click here

Closing date for Expressions of Interest is midnight 27 September 2024.

Community and Voluntary Sector Panel

The role and purpose of the Community and Voluntary Sector Panel (CVSP) is to;

Ensure the voice of the Community, Voluntary and Social Enterprise Sector is represented in community planning, by;

  • Participation in decision-making processes
  • Strengthening the capacity of the CVSE Sector around the key issues of inequality and disadvantage
  • Promoting and sharing good practice from within the CVSE

Promote ongoing Community Engagement, by;

  • Promoting the active participation of underrepresented groups
  • Advocating to ensure the voices of those who are seldom heard, are sought and considered

Support the development of Cross-sectoral Relationships and improved Partnership working, by;

  • Facilitating effective communications and information sharing between CVSE sector and with other sectors
  • Encouraging collaboration between CVSE networks with CP partners and other sectors around agreed community planning actions.


CVSP Values

Steering Group Members

Geraldine Lawless (Chair) | TADA

Brendan Mac Partlin | Migrant Support Service

Chris Leech | Craigavon Area Foodbank

Donna Stewart | Craigavon & Banbridge Volunteer Bureau

Laura Wylie | Links Counselling Service

Martin Stevenson | The Salvation Army

How to get involved

To find out more about the Community and Voluntary Sector Panel, please contact a member of the Steering Group or get in touch with the Community Planning Team.

Community Planning Team
Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council
Civic Building
BT32 3JY

0300 0300 900


Download the Expression of Interest Form 2022

Community and Voluntary Sector Panel Action Plan

Collective Community Voice

To get involved in supporting delivery of an action, please get in contact with a member of the Steering Group. Contact details above.

CVSP Themes

Community and Voluntary Sector Panel Event

Mental Health & Wellbeing


Place & Locality Planning

Climate Change & Environmental Sustainability

Strengthen CVSE Sector
