Up to £1000 available for local community projects!

The photo shows the Lord Mayor holding a Tak£500+ board with other representatives launching the new project.
Lord Mayor, Councillor Paul Greenfield launches the Tak£500+ Project for 2022 along with Investing for Health Officer Cathy Devlin, Health Improvement Officer Frances Haughey, Annette Blaney, PCSP, Community Planning Officer Noreen O'Callaghan and Triangle Good Relations Officer John Beattie.

Two years ago, a very successful project called Tak£500 awarded 66 different community organisations funding to the tune of £33,000, allowing them to deliver some wonderful projects to benefit their local residents.

This project is now back for 2022 – and bigger and better than ever! Called Tak£500+ Participatory Budget Fund, community groups within the Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon area can now receive up to £1000 for a project that they think will have a positive impact on their community!

So, if you have an idea in mind of something that would bring value to your area and your community, look no further!

So how does it work? A Participatory Budgeting initiative basically means that local people get a direct say in how public funds are used to address local needs.

Both constituted groups and non-constituted groups can apply for funding to help bring an idea to life. All ideas must be based around the ‘Take 5 Ways of Wellbeing’, which are five simple steps to help maintain and improve your wellbeing on a daily basis.

They are: ‘Connect’ with people around you; ‘Be Active’ in some way each day; ‘Take Notice’ of the world around you and how you are feeling; ‘Keep Learning’ by trying something new and ‘Give’ by doing something nice for someone else.

To help you with stage one of the process and filling in the initial application form, there are a number of information sessions taking place both in person and online:

Monday 12th September, 7pm – 8pm: Craigavon Civic and Conference Centre. Register here.

Wednesday 14th September, 7pm – 8pm: Chamber at the Palace Demesne, Armagh. Register here.

Thursday 15th September, 7pm – 8pm: Banbridge Leisure Centre. Register here.

Tuesday 20th September, 10am – 11am: Online via Zoom. Register here.

Stage one is where you fill out the application form and send it in. If you meet the simple criteria, you will then move onto Stage Two, where you will be asked to attend the Market Stall and Decision-Making Event.

Groups will be asked to showcase their idea to the community by putting together a ‘market stall’ detailing their idea and asking for support. Everyone aged eight and over can then vote to support the project ideas they want to see happen.

The projects with the most public votes will be awarded up to £1000 to make their idea happen!

“I am absolutely delighted to be launching Tak£500+ as it is a fantastic way for our local communities to really take ownership of their areas and to secure funding for projects that they want to see happening on their doorsteps,” commented the Lord Mayor of Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon, Councillor Paul Greenfield.

“The last campaign was a resounding success and to be able to do it again this year, with more money available to local groups is brilliant. I know that many people within our communities have some amazing ideas that will have a positive impact on their area and this initiative allows them the possibility of bringing these ideas to life!”

Colette Rogers from Public Health Agency and Chair of the Community Planning Strategic Partnership said “ABC Community Planning Partnership is committed to delivering Participatory Budgeting as a way for local people to make decisions about how public money is spent. We are delighted to be running Tak£500+ and I want to thank all the community, voluntary and statutory partners who have worked together to make this project happen again.”

There must be a minimum of three people per group, and each group can only propose one idea. Children and young people aged eight and above can also form a group and apply for funding.

If your group is not constituted, you will need to be sponsored by a constituted group or organisation, as funds cannot be paid into a personal bank account.

This project has been funded by a range of organisations including the Public Health Agency, the Council, Southern Health and Social Care Trust, Triangle Housing, Clanmil Housing, the Policing & Community Safety Partnership, Department for Communities and the Northern Ireland Housing Executive.

It has also been supported by the Community and Voluntary Panel and the Business Partnership.

If you need more information or support, please contact a member of PB Working Group. Full contact details are online at www.armaghbanbridgecraigavon.gov.uk/TAKE500plus or alternatively, you can email