October is Positive Ageing Month – a month to really highlight and take notice of the important and valuable contributions that older people make to our society, and to raise awareness of the opportunities and the challenges of ageing in today’s world.
To celebrate older residents, Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council and the ABC Seniors Network have put together a wonderful festival of activities and events that will run throughout the month of October. Some of the events are in-person and others are taking place virtually online. The events are aimed at people in their senior years, as well as those over 50 who are starting to think about the steps they can take now to ensure that they live long, healthy lives. There are also events aimed at those who care for older people or who are interested in intergenerational projects.
The schedule of events will be issued with next month’s ABC Seniors Newsletter which is packed full of information and advice. With articles on physical health, mental health and wellbeing, home safety tips, helplines, light entertainment and lots more, make sure you get your hands on your free copy!
The programme encourages older people (including sprightly 50 year olds!) to bring the ‘Take 5 Steps to Wellbeing’ into their lives. By building these into daily life can help maintain and improve health and wellbeing long into the future. The five steps are: Connect with people around you, Be Active in some way each day, Take Notice of the world around you and how you are feeling, Keep Learning by trying something new and Give by doing something nice for someone else.
Lord Mayor Glenn Barr said: “It is important that we use Positive Ageing Month to think about how we can make plans to safeguard our own health and wellbeing now to protect it as we age, and that older people take the time to engage with the events planned by ABC Council and ABC Seniors Network to improve their physical and mental health and wellbeing.”
For more information on the events or to receive your free copy of the ABC Seniors Newsletter please call Stephanie Rock on 078 2501 0630.
You can also download the Newsletter and events calendar here: ABC Seniors Network Newsletter // Positive Ageing Month Calendar – October 2021