Tak£500+ applications are now open for your chance to receive up to £1000!

Launching the new Tak£500+ project for 2023-2024 is the Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Alderman Margaret Tinsley with Stephen Harland, and Clive Bowles. Back row: Cathy Devlin, Elaine Devlin, Stephanie Rock, Valerie Maxwell, Lynette Cooke, Mark Doran and Michelle Markey.

Applications for the Tak£500+ project are now open and groups can receive up to an incredible £1000 for a project to benefit their area!

This Participatory Budget Fund encourages local residents within the Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon borough to apply for funding for a project that they think will have a positive impact on their community.

This is the third year of this fantastic project so, if you have an idea in mind of something that would bring value to your area and support your community, especially in these increasingly difficult times, look no further!

Last year, an incredible £76,412 allocated to 81 local community projects – and this year you could be one of them!

There are four information sessions taking place next week where you can find out all you need to know, so come along and find out more!

“I would really encourage communities across the borough to apply for funding through Tak£500+ and to come along to one of the information sessions and see how you can benefit from this fantastic project,” commented Alderman Margaret Tinsley, Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon.

“I am a huge advocate of the Tak£500+ project and have seen the incredible impact it has made on communities right across the borough and I know this year is shaping up to be even bigger and better – so don’t miss out on the chance to receive up to £1000 to help benefit your area and residents.”

Information sessions are as follows:

  • Monday 11th December: Chamber at the Palace Demesne, Armagh, 7pm – 8pm
  • Tuesday 12th December: Chamber at the Civic Building, Banbridge, 7pm – 8pm
  • Wednesday 13th December: Online via Zoom 10am – 11am
  • Wednesday 13th December: Craigavon Civic Centre, 7pm – 8pm

Both constituted groups and non-constituted groups can apply for funding to help bring an idea to life. Ideas can be based on the Take 5 Steps to Wellbeing – which are a great guide to helping you to look after yourself and others during these uncertain days, including keeping you connected to the people around you and encouraging communities to lean on each other.

Applications can be made online here: www.armaghbanbridgecraigavon.gov.uk/take500plus

If you need more information or support, please contact a member of the PB Working Group who will be happy to help you. Full contact details are online or alternatively, you can email

This project is been taken forward by Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon Community Planning Partnership and has been funded by a range of partners including the Public Health Agency, Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council, Southern Health and Social Care Trust, the Northern Ireland Housing Executive, PSNI, Triangle Housing, Clanmil Housing and Ark Housing.

It has also been supported by the Community and Voluntary Panel, the Children and Young Peoples Strategic Partnership, the Department for Communities, the Policing & Community Safety Partnership and Sport NI.