P5 primary school pupils across the borough are set to benefit from a new road safety booklet ‘Street Smart Road Safe’ that provides lots of advice and guidance for when they are walking, cycling or travelling as passengers.
The comprehensive guide, which covers every aspect of how to keep safe on the road, has been produced by Road Safe NI. Thanks to financial support from Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon Policing and Community Partnership (PCSP), every P5 pupil in the Council area will receive a copy of the new key stage 2 road safety resource.
Drumadonnell Primary School recently secured this year’s first copies of the booklet. Attending the school was Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon PSCP Chair, Councillor Jill Macauley, who said “Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon PCSP are delighted to support Road Safe NI to ensure that every Primary 5 pupil receives a copy of this excellent ‘Street Smart Road Safe’ book.
Davy Jackson Chairperson of Road Safe NI said “We are very grateful for the support from the local PCSP in this valuable programme”
Clive Bowles, Chair of the ABC Road Safety Committee, added that ‘children are one of the most vulnerable road users but with education, risks can be reduced and lives saved”.
This valuable resource will be delivered to primary schools across the borough over the next few weeks.