ABC Council distribute over 350 age-friendly Sport and Physical Activity Packs to older residents in the borough in two short months – with a limited number of kits still available!
The popular packs – which are designed to encourage older adults to remain active safely at home – contain everything from an instant ping pong pack, an interactive ‘Move with Mary’ DVD featuring Lady Mary Peters, to exercise booklets and resources covering strength and balance as well as age and dementia-friendly seated gymnastics movements.
In addition, the packs also include information on home safety, advice on crime prevention, guidance on staying scam alert and individual ‘In Case of Emergency’ cards.
“It is fantastic to see such a great uptake of ABC Council’s Sport and Physical Activity Packs among older residents in the borough,” commented Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon, Councillor Kevin Savage.
He continued: “The current pandemic has been a particularly challenging time for our older citizens. Following many months of loneliness, isolation and a loss of mental and physical interaction, we recognise the toll this has taken on their overall health and wellbeing.
“The free packs are filled with a wide range of age-friendly equipment, information booklets and DVDs – and are an excellent resource to help our older residents keep physically and mentally strong.
“With around 60 packs still available, I would encourage those who are interested or know someone who would be, to get in touch today!”
It is widely recognised that older adults have become increasingly isolated during the current pandemic, leading to dangerously low levels of sport and physical activity, which could prove detrimental to their overall physical and mental wellbeing.
The Sport and Physical Activity Pack initiative is a collaboration between a range of Community Planning Partners including ABC Council, Sport NI, Public Health Agency, Southern Health and Social Care Trust and Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon PCSP as well as the British Gymnastics Foundation, Disability Sport NI and Table Tennis Ulster.
With limited numbers left, the remaining packs will be distributed on a first-come first-served basis.
If you or someone you know is aged 60+ and feeling isolated or lonely, please contact Amanda Mogey, Assistant Sports Development Officer at or 07816 341112 to request a pack.