The Get Moving ABC Partnership is encouraging individuals across the borough to take part in ‘On Your Feet Britain’, a national activity awareness day when 2 million desk-based workers across Britain participate in a variety of fun and simple activities to #SitLess and #MoveMore at work.
Taking place on Thursday 28 April 2022, the On Your Feet Britain challenge is asking everyone to take James Brown at his word and convert ‘sitting time’ to ‘standing time’!
Making some simple changes is easier than you think, for example stand during phone calls, stand and take a break from your computer every 30 minutes, use the stairs more, arrange standing or walking meetings, eat your lunch away from your desk, walk to a colleague’s desk instead of phoning or emailing them or stand at the back of the room during presentations.
Research shows that regular movement throughout the day leads to better health, increased motivation, improved concentration and many, many more wellbeing and performance benefits.
On Your Feet Britain is your chance to get the ball rolling and encourage your employees, co-workers or even your boss to take a stand. Team up with colleagues and see how much you can reduce your “sitting time”.
For more information on how you and your workplace can get in involved go to the campaign website at onyourfeetday.com
For information on Get Moving ABC please visit getactiveabc.com/get-moving/