P3 primary school pupils across the Borough recently had a visit from representatives of the PCSP and PSNI for an interactive chat about ‘Road Safety’ and ‘Stranger Danger’.
Gwen Bartley, PCSP Project Coordinator, was joined by the local PSNI – Road Education Officer and Neighbourhood Officers – as they spoke to Primary 3 pupils about how to stay safe when walking, cycling or travelling as passengers.
With hints and tips on how to safely cross a road, the importance of being safe and seen, wearing a helmet when cycling and staying safe in a car – the event was a vital lesson on how to become more road aware.
The PCSP also brought along two special guests on their visits to the schools – road safety signs ‘Anita Stop’ and ‘Luke Listen’. These signs will be located at entrance to schools to highlight the issues of parking dangerously outside primary schools – including blocking visibility at the entrance of the school and parking on zig-zag lines.
The topic of ‘Stranger Danger’ was also discussed with the children to help kept them safe when out and about – including what to do if they get lost in a shop/play park and who they should approach.
Schools which took part included – St Mary PS, Maghery; Carrick PS, Lurgan; Magheralin Village PS, Magheralin; Dickson PS, Lurgan; Kings Park PS, Lurgan; Presentation PS, Portadown and St Francis PS, Aghaderg.
Councillor Jill Macauley, Chair of the PCSP, commented; “We are delighted to have been welcomed into so many schools to deliver this vital message. Children are one of the most vulnerable road users but with education, risks can be reduced and lives saved. We look forward to seeing the Primary 3 children wearing their high vis-vests and cycling helmets and sitting in their car booster seats.”
The PSNI Road Education Officer told of the importance of wearing a helmet when out cycling – saying “We all need to protect one of the most important parts of our body – our head – when out cycling on the road. Helmets can protect our heads if we fall from our bicycles and help keep us safe.”