Spring has sprung! And Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council is on the lookout for willing volunteers to roll up their sleeves and get involved in Live Here Love Here’s brilliant ‘Big Spring Clean’ initiative!
The ‘Big Spring Clean’ is running from 1st March – 31st May 2022 and is Northern Ireland’s largest community clean-up campaign – open to individuals, schools, community groups and businesses from all communities wishing to rid their streets of litter and discarded rubbish – particularly single-use plastics which are having a devastating impact on the environment.
Since its inception, 553,571 volunteers have participated in clean-up activities during the Spring months – removing over 800 tonnes of waste!
Council is encouraging local residents, groups and schools to organise a ‘Big Spring Clean’ in their area of the Borough – for those who wish to rid their streets of litter and discarded rubbish.
Council will support those carrying out a ‘Big Spring Clean’ by providing litter pickers, gloves, bags and hi-viz vests. Waste can be disposed of in household bins or community clean up’s can arrange collection of the waste in advance of event by calling their local Council depot.
Lord Mayor of Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon, Alderman Glenn Barr, comments:
“Over the years we have had a fantastic response to this worthwhile initiative from all our volunteers who have helped to tidy up their communities for the benefit of everyone, and I would like to thank you all for your time and effort.”
“We all want to see positive changes to where we live – cleaner streets, less dog fouling and graffiti. Our wonderful residents have always gone above and beyond in their efforts to assist our own street cleansing staff in ensuring our streets, roads, pathways, open spaces and beautiful country sides are kept presentable, and as litter-free as possible.”
“I would encourage all community groups, sports clubs, schools and other groups to consider organising a Big Spring Clean in their area over the coming weeks.”
If you would like to become involved with a clean-up, please contact Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council on 0300 0300 900 for further information.