Home Resident Request an additional bin

Request an additional bin

Request an additional bin

The following procedure will apply in relation to application for additional residual /recycling bin  capacity:

An application for additional waste and recycling capacity must be made to the Council, giving details of the circumstances. Application forms can be obtained from the Council Website or by contacting 0300 0300 900.

Medical Applications require   the application to be signed by a Medical Professional (e.g. Practice nurse) stating the medical condition and type of additional waste generated. Successful applications for additional bin capacity concession for medical reasons will be loaned (for a two year period) a 2nd 240lt bin for residual wastes (due to the nature of the waste being generated).

A 2nd recycling bin may be loaned if additional recyclable waste is generated. Waste Management Staff may conduct a visit to provide recycling advice.

Applications for large family concession will require proof of residence for each family member as evidence that they permanently reside at that address e.g. Child Benefit/Family Allowance, Electoral Registration, Driving Licence etc. If approved the household must purchase a larger Residual bin (minus the cost of the 240lt bin, which will be removed and replaced with a larger 360lt bin) Therefore the current replacement cost for a larger 360lt bin is £17.50, larger recycling bins will be provided free of charge for use within the 2 year concessionary period.

If after the 2 year period the additional capacity is not required, normal capacity bins will be returned.

Please download the appropriate form and complete.

Send your completed form to one of the addresses below:


Neighbourhood Services
Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council
The Palace Demesne
BT60 4EL


Technical Services Department
Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council
Civic Building
Old Technical School Building
Co. Down
BT32 3JY


Assisted Refuse Collection
Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council
Central Services Depot
BT63 5WG

Once approved you must display the sticker(s) on the front of your bin(s) in order for them to be collected.