Schedule of applications

Schedule of applications

Schedule of Planning Applications to be determined by the Planning & Regulatory Services Committee can be viewed in the table below.

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LA08/2024/1104/FLands immediately south of Nos.4-10 Boconnell Court, approximately 100metres North of Silverwood Road and adjacent to Kiln Lane and Kiln Road, LurganErection of Affordable Housing Development of 36No. dwellings (10No. Semi-Detached, 24No. Townhouses and 2No. Bungalows) and Provision of Associated Public Open Space, Infrastructure including pumping station, Landscaping, with Access from Kiln Lane and All Associated Site WorksAPPROVAL02.04.25
LA08/2018/1517/FLands west and adjacent to 4 & 5 Wallace Park and east of Nos 4 - 12 Mourne Grange, Dromore BT25 1BZErection of housing development consisting of 5 pairs of semi-detached dwellings (10 dwellings), 2 detached dwellings with associated site worksAPPROVAL02.04.25
LA08/2024/0966/FSite between No. 43 and No. 47 William Street, Lurgan, including lands to the rear of Nos. 25 to 43 William Street and access between Nos. 10 and 12 North Street, Lurgan Demolition of No. 45 William Street façade and demolition of flanking walls against No.43 William Street and erection of a 3 storey terrace building fronting onto William Street; to provide ground floor retail unit and 2 apartments on upper floors, with in curtilage parking and all associated site worksAPPROVAL02.04.25
LA08/2024/0831/F16 Dobbin Street, Armagh, BT61 7QQExtension and alterations to dwelling including demolition of recent additions all within a conservation area with revised vehicle access to the rear onto Friary Road and all associated site worksAPPROVAL02.04.25
LA08/2024/0832/LBC16 Dobbin Street, Armagh, BT61 7QQExtension and alterations to dwelling including demolition of recent additions all within a conservation area with revised vehicle access to the rear onto Friary Road and all associated site worksAPPROVAL02.04.25
Q/2014/0341/FLagan Mills, Lower Mount Street, lands immediately to the rear and south of No 2 -40, Mount Street, DromoreDemolition of existing properties (1,2,3 & 4 Riverside Terrace) & sheds adjoining the north-eastern boundary of the former Lagan Mills site and redevelopment for erection of 76 residential units to include, 38 semi detached and 2 detached dwellings and 36 apartments including associated access and car parkingAPPROVAL02.04.25
Q/2015/0088/DCASheds adjoining the north-eastern boundary of the former Lagan Mills site, Lower Mount Street, DromoreDemolition of shed buildings to facilitate redevelopment of the former lagan Mills siteAPPROVE DEMOLITION CONSENT02.04.25
Q/2014/0342/FNos. 2-14 Lower Mount Street and land to the rear and nos. 1-4 Riverside Terrace, DromoreDemolition of existing properties (properties: 10, 12,14 Lower Mount Street, and buildings to the rear of 1,2,3 & 4 Riverside Terrace) and the redevelopment for a class A1 retail unit including associated access and car parking APPROVAL02.04.25
Q/2014/0346/DCANos. 2-14 Lower Mount Street, and Nos. 1-4 Riverside Terrace, Dromore and outbuildings to the rear of 20-22 and 25-26 Market Square Dromore BT25 1ATDemolition of 2-14 Lower Mount Street, 1-4 Riverside Terrace, sheds to the rear of 25 & 26 Market Square and sheds to the rear of 20-22 Market StreetAPPROVE DEMOLITION CONSENT02.04.25
LA08/2023/2798/FHanover Football Club, Brownstown Park, Craigavon, BT62 3QJProposed erection of MUGA training pitch with associated site works (to include 4 No. 8 metre high floodlights and perimeter fencing)APPROVAL02.04.25
LA08/2023/2677/FHanover Football Club, Brownstown Park, Craigavon, BT62 3QJErection of 3G pitch, car parking area, 6 No. 15 metre high floodlights, ball stop nets, perimeter fencing, dug outs and associated site worksAPPROVAL02.04.25