Schedule of applications

Schedule of applications

Schedule of Planning Applications to be determined by the Planning & Regulatory Services Committee can be viewed in the table below.

  • You can use the search box below to find an application, try searching by: Application number, postcode or first line of address.
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LA08/2024/0246/F9 The Olde Nursery, Bleary, Craigavon, BT66 8ZH Erection of 1.5 storey side and rear extension to include kitchen/family area and first floor bedroom (amended plans)APPROVAL09.01.25
LA08/2024/1023/FLands 545m south east of the Eastway entrance, bound by the adjacent railway line to the south and Beverage Plastics and NIE Network Plants workshop to the north, at Silverwood Business Park, CraigavonErection of a storage/distribution hub (including 2 no. warehouse buildings) with associated offices, external servicing and storage yard, car parking, bike stores, bin stores and all associated site and access worksAPPROVAL09.01.25
LA08/2023/2138/FAdjacent and to the rear of 48 & 50 Market Street, Ballymore, Tandragee, Armagh, BT62 2BPErection of 2 No commercial units, associated parking and associated site-works (vehicular access from Madden Road)APPROVAL09.01.25
LA08/2024/0551/RMSite adjacent to & 50m East of, 14 Mullantine Road, Portadown, BT62 4EHErection of a 1½ storey farm dwelling and a domestic garageAPPROVAL09.01.25