Home Resident Planning Applications (Resident) Applications on Scheme of Delegation Eligible for Call In

Applications on Scheme of Delegation Eligible for Call In

Applications on Scheme of Delegation Eligible for Call In

Pursuant to the Council’s published Scheme of Delegation, the applications set out in the Delegated List below are now the subject of a recommendation by a Planning Officer. Applicants and agents who have any queries regarding a recommendation contained on this list should contact the planning officer dealing with the application. Please note that a Councillor can request that an application is removed from the Delegated List and referred to the Planning and Regulatory Services Committee at any stage prior to 5pm on the date noted in the table below provided a sound planning reason is given.


The new IT System for Planning went live on 5th December 2022. Applicants, agents – and any third parties who may have an interest in a particular application –  are asked to note that under the new IT System the functionality of the system has changed and language/terminology used on the system is different to that used under the old system.  In particular, it should be noted that unlike the old IT system, the status of an application on the new IT system will no longer change when the application has been placed on a delegated list.  Therefore, the onus is on applicants, agents and any third parties who may have an interest in a particular application to check the weekly delegated lists which appear on the Council’s website every Thursday evening to determine if an application has been placed on the delegated list at www.armaghbanbridgecraigavon.gov.uk/resident/planning-applications-residents/

Members of the public should also note there are a number of identified technical issues with the new system.  The performance of the system will continue  to be monitored as part of the normal service management arrangements and the Council is working closely with the stakeholders including the suppliers to resolve the outstanding issues.  Any issues of concern regarding the new planning IT system should be forwarded to

Lists of delegated planning applications can be viewed in the table below.

  • You can use the search box below to find an application, try searching by: Application number, postcode or first line of address.
  • If the green “+” icon is visible click on it to reveal hidden columns.

Reference NumberLocationProposalAgent Name & AddressApplicant Name & AddressRecommendationReason for Refusal (Where applicable)Date Delegate List IssuedDeadline for Call in (applies to elected members only) 5pm on
LA08/2024/1338/OLand immediately adjacent to and south of No.46. Tullyroan Road, Tullyroan and immediately adjacent to and north of No.44 Tullyroan Road, Tullyroan, Dungannon BT71 6NFSite for dwelling and garageDaniel O'Neill HMB Architecture 10 Union Street
BT80 8NN
Thomas Willis 42 Tullyroan Road
BT71 6NF
Approval (Objections received)20/02/202527/02/2025
LA08/2024/1077/O30m South of 21 Iveagh Road, KatesbridgeSite for farm dwelling and detached garageNeville Ross 42 Lisnacroppan Road
BT34 5NY
Refusal1.The proposal is contrary to the Strategic Planning Policy Statement and Policy CTY1 of Planning Policy Statement 21, Sustainable Development in the Countryside in that there are no overriding reasons why this development is essential in this rural location and could not be located within a settlement.
2.The proposal is contrary to the Strategic Planning Policy Statement and Policy CTY8 of Planning Policy Statement 21, Sustainable Development in the Countryside in that the proposed development would create a ribbon of development.
3.The proposal is contrary to the Strategic Planning Policy Statement and Policy CTY 10 criterion (c) of Planning Policy Statement 21, Sustainable Development in the Countryside as the proposed development is not visually linked or sited to cluster with an established group of buildings on the farm and it has not been demonstrated that there are demonstrable health and safety reasons or verifiable plans to expand the farm business to justify consideration of an alternative site elsewhere on the farm.
4.The proposal is contrary to the Strategic Planning Policy Statement and Policy CTY13 criterion (a), (b), (c) and (g) of Planning Policy Statement 21, Sustainable Development in the Countryside, in that: the proposal would be a prominent feature in the landscape, the site would be unable to provide a suitable degree of enclosure for the building to integrate, the new building would rely on the use of new landscaping to integrate and the proposed dwelling is not sited to cluster with an established group of buildings on a farm.
5.The proposal is contrary to the Strategic Planning Policy Statement and Policy CTY14 criterion (a), (b), (c), (d) of Planning Policy Statement 21, Sustainable Development in the Countryside, in that: the proposal would be unduly prominent in the landscape, it would result in a surburban style build up of development, it does not respect the traditional pattern of development and would create a ribbon of development along this section of Iveagh Road.
6.The proposal is contrary to the Strategic Planning Policy Statement paragraph 6.192 and Policy NH5 Habitats, Species or Features of Natural Heritage Importance of PPS 2 Natural Heritage in that it has not been demonstrated that the proposed development would not have an adverse impact on Priority Habitats or Priority Species.
7.The proposal is contrary to the Strategic Planning Policy Statement for Northern Ireland (SPPS) para 6.12 and of Planning Policy Statement 6: Planning,
Archaeology and the Built Heritage (PPS6) Policy BH11 (Development affecting the Setting of a Listed Building) as it has not been demonstrated that the proposed development would not have a detrimental impact on the setting of a listed building.
LA08/2024/0505/ANo.53 Bridge Street (gable elevation) Banbridge. BT32 3JLErection of 1 Digital Screen advertisement to be mounted on gable wall to replace two existing 48 sheet advertisement hoardingsConnor McGary Clear Channel NI LTD Unit 2 Ashbank
Queens Road
Clear Channel NI LTD Unit 2 Ashbank
Queens Road
Refusal1. The proposed advertisement is contrary to Policy Ad 1 of PPS 17 in that if approved would have an adverse impact on amenity when viewed in the context of the area in particular the setting of listed buildings. 2. The proposal is contrary the Paragraph 6.23 of the SPPS and to Policy ATC 3 of Addendum to Planning Policy Statement 6- Areas of Townscape Character criterion (a) in that if approved the Digital Screen Advertisement would have an adverse impact upon the overall character and appearance of the Designation.BE 62 Area if Townscape Character Town Centre as set out in the Banbridge/Newry and Mourne Area Plan 201513/02/202520/02/2025
LA08/2024/0812/A1B Stramore Terrace, Banbridge, (Gable elevation of property) BT32 3HQErection of 1 no. non-illuminated 36 sheet hoarding signAlan McDowell
AMD Architectural Design
8 Canvy Manor
BT63 5LP
Gary Chambers
1A Stramore Terrace
Newry Road
BT32 3HQ
Refusal1. The proposal is contrary to the SPPS and Policy AD1 of Planning Policy Statement 17 Control of Outdoor Advertisements- Criterion I subtest a, b,d, e. 06/02/202513/02/2025
LA08/2022/1380/FChalybeate Road (450 metres south of junction with Keady Road)
BT35 0EH
Retention of an existing slurry tank to collect run-off from existing cattle handling facilitiesHenry Marshall Brown
10 Union Street
BT80 8NN
Alan Geary
120 Darkley Road
BT60 3BU
Refusal1. The proposal is contrary to the Strategic Planning Policy Statement for Northern Ireland and Policy CTY 1 of Planning Policy Statement 21: Sustainable Development in the Countryside, in that there are no overriding reasons why this development is essential in this rural location and could not be located within a settlement.

2. The proposal is contrary to the Strategic Planning Policy Statement for Northern Ireland and Policy CTY 12 of Planning Policy Statement 21: Sustainable Development in the Countryside, in that: it has not been demonstrated that it is necessary for the efficient use of the agricultural holding; it has not been demonstrated that it would not have an adverse impact on natural heritage; it has not been demonstrated that there are no suitable existing buildings on the holding that can be used; it is not sited beside existing farm buildings; and it has not been demonstrated that there are demonstrable health and safety reasons.

3. The proposal is contrary to Paragraph 6.192 of the Strategic Planning Policy Statement for Northern Ireland, and Policies NH 2 and NH 5 of PPS 2: Natural Heritage, in that it has not been demonstrated that the proposed development is not likely to result in adverse impacts upon natural heritage.
LA08/2024/1229/FLands adjacent and approximately 42 metres north of 31 Elm Park Road, Killylea, Armagh, BT60 4PERetention of 2 No. mobile homes to provide temporary staff accommodation for existing B2 light industrial uses and B4 storage use and associated works da architects ltd
Unit 6 Armagh Business Park
Hamiltonsbawn Road
JMW Farms
Dartan Hall Killylea
2 Kennedies Road
BT60 4NQ
BT60 4NQ
Refusal1. The proposed development is contrary to paragraph 6.73 of the Strategic Planning Policy Statement and Policy CTY1 of Planning Policy Statement 21, Sustainable Development in the Countryside on the grounds that the applicant has failed to demonstrate overriding reasons why the proposed development is essential and could not be located within a settlement.

2. The proposed development is contrary to paragraph 6.73 of the Strategic Planning Policy Statement and Policy CTY7 of Planning Policy Statement 21, Sustainable Development in the Countryside on the grounds that the applicant has failed to demonstrate a site specific need that makes it essential for one of the firm’s employees to live at the site of their work.

3. The proposal is contrary to the SPPS and Policy CTY 13 of Planning Policy Statement 21 Sustainable Development in the Countryside, in that the design of the building is inappropriate for the site and its locality and therefore would not visually integrate into the surrounding landscape.

4. The proposal is contrary to the SPPS and Policy CTY14 of Planning Policy Statement 21 , Sustainable Development in the Countryside in that the development would, if permitted, not respect the traditional pattern of settlement exhibited in the area and would therefore result to further erode the rural character of the countryside.
LA08/2023/1710/FLands to the North West of and immediately adjacent to No 23 Thornwood, Banbridge BT32 4LR, extending to lands North West and adjacent to No 20 Thornwood, Banbridge, BT32 4LRErection of 2 No detached single storey dwellings with associated site works.McAdam Stewart Architects
Banbridge Enterprise Centre
Scarva Road
BT32 3QD
Dunmore Construction
3 Main Street
BT33 0LU
Refusal1. The proposal is contrary to the Strategic Planning Policy Statement and criterion (a,b & h) of Policy QD1 PPS7 Quality Residential Environments. 2. The proposed development is contrary to Designation BE 7 Local Landscape Policy Area in the Banbanride and Newry and Mourne Area Plan 2015 in that if approved would be detrimental to the intrinsic environmental quality of the LLPA as a locally important amenity resource and as a wildlife corridor.06/02/202513/02/2025
LA08/2023/2311/F50 Meters north east of 39 Hunters Hill Road, Gilford Hunters Hill Road, Craigavon, BT63 6ALRetention of church, access points, car parking and associated site works on a temporary basis for 3 yearsMcAdam Stewart Architects
Banbridge Enterprise Centre
Scarva Road
BT32 3QD
Andrew Steele
Christ Encounters
33-35 Mill St
BT63 6HQ
Refusal1. Having notified the agent under Article 3 (6) of The Planning (General Development Procedure) Order (Northern Ireland) 2015 that further details are required to establish a policy justification as to why the retention of the proposed development is temporarily required at this rural location, Officers consider the proposal is contrary to the policy provisions contained in the Strategic Planning Policy Statement and Policy CTY 1 of Planning Policy Statement 21, Sustainable Development in the Countryside, in that there are no overriding reasons why this development is essential in this rural location and could not be located within a settlement.

2. Having notified the agent under Article 3 (6) of The Planning (General Development Procedure) Order (Northern Ireland) 2015 that further details are required relating to road safety concerns with the proposed temporary development, Officers consider that the proposal is contrary to the SPPS and policies AMP2 and AMP7 of PPS3: Access, Movement and Parking as the proposal has not demonstrated that the existing road network can safely handle extra vehicular traffic associated with the site or that adequate access arrangements are provided. It also has not been demonstrated that adequate parking and manoeuvring areas are available within the application site outlined in red.

3. The proposed temporary development is contrary to the SPPS and policy CTY16 of PPS21 as the proposal relies on non mains sewerage and it has not been demonstrated that this will not create or add to a pollution problem.

4. The proposed temporary development is contrary to The Strategic Planning Policy Statement and policies NH1, NH2, NH4 and NH5 of PPS2: Natural Heritage as a watercourse runs adjacent to the site and ecological information has not been completed by a suitably qualified person to demonstrate that the proposal will not adversely impact on natural heritage interests.
LA08/2024/1294/FApproximately 155 metres north-north-east of 33 Bloom Hill Road, Kilmore, Armagh, BT61 8NZ
Retention of existing agricultural shed and associated access and site works
Henry Marshall Brown
Henry Marshall Brown Architectural Partnership
10 Union Street
BT80 8NN
Philip Murdock
33 Tullymore Road
BT61 8NY
Refusal1. The proposal is contrary to the Strategic Planning Policy Statement for Northern Ireland and Policy CTY 1 of Planning Policy Statement 21: Sustainable Development in the Countryside, in that there are no overriding reasons why this development is essential in this rural location and could not be located within a settlement.
2. The proposal is contrary to the Strategic Planning Policy Statement for Northern Ireland and Policy CTY 12 of Planning Policy Statement 21: Sustainable Development in the Countryside, it has not been demonstrated that it is necessary for the efficient use of the agricultural holding; its scale is not appropriate for its location; it would not visually integrate into the local landscape and sufficient information has not been provided to confirm that there are no suitable existing buildings on the holding or enterprise that can be used.
3. The proposal is contrary to the Strategic Planning Policy Statement for Northern Ireland and Policy CTY 13 of Planning Policy Statement 21: Sustainable Development in the Countryside, in that: the proposed development would be a prominent feature in the landscape; the site lacks long established natural boundaries and is unable to provide a suitable degree of enclosure for the building to integrate into the landscape; it relies primarily on the use of new landscaping for integration; it fails to blend with the landform; and therefore would not visually integrate into the surrounding landscape.
4. The proposal is contrary to the Strategic Planning Policy Statement for Northern Ireland and Policy CTY 14 of Planning Policy Statement 21: Sustainable Development in the Countryside, in that the development would, if permitted, be unduly prominent in the landscape, and would therefore result in a detrimental change to the rural character of the countryside.
LA08/2024/0929/OSite opposite and 20 metres west of 32 College Lands Road, Charlemont, Dungannon, BT71 6SNSite for Dwelling and GarageO'Callaghan Planning
20 Castle Street
BT34 2BY
Patrick Mackle
128 Moy Road
BT61 8DR
Refusal1)The proposal is contrary to the Strategic Planning Policy Statement and Policy CTY 1 of Planning Policy Statement 21, Sustainable Development in the Countryside in that there are no overriding reasons why this development is essential in this rural location and could not be located within a settlement.

2) The proposal is contrary to the Strategic Planning Policy Statement for Northern Ireland and Policy CTY 8 of Planning Policy Statement 21: Sustainable Development in the Countryside, in that the application site does not constitute a small gap within an otherwise substantial and continuously built up frontage.

3)The proposal is contrary to the Strategic Planning Policy Statement and Policy CTY 14 of Planning Policy Statement 21, Sustainable Development in the Countryside, in that the dwelling would, if permitted, result in a suburban style build-up of development when viewed with existing and approved buildings and would therefore further erode the rural character of the countryside.

4)The proposal is contrary to Paragraph 4.12 of the Strategic Planning Policy Statement due to the unacceptable potential for loss of amenity to perspective residents of the proposed dwelling due to odour and noise pollution from the adjacent agricultural premises.

5) The proposal is contrary to the Strategic Planning Policy Statement and Policy AMP 2 of Planning Policy Statement 3, Access, Movement and Parking in that it has not been demonstrated that the access onto the public road will not prejudice road safety or significantly inconvenience the flow of traffic.
LA08/2024/0953/F20 metres north of 40 Halfway Road, Tullyhinan, Banbridge BT32 4EZ (proposed gates), 30 metres east of No 40 (proposed wall) and 25 metres WNW of No 42 Halfway Road (temporary retention of fence) -(Amended Applicaiton Form)Temporary retention of close board timber fence (creating a wind barrier for hedgerow). Removal of existing close board timber fence and erection of rustic brickwork wall in lieu of recently demolished blockwork wall and all associated site works. Removal of existing gate and timber fence and erection of timber vehicular access and pedestrian gates including supporting posts and all associated site works.Simon Black
Simon Black Architecture ltd
164 Tirnascobe Road
Alan & Lorraine Heslip
30 Skeltons Road
BT32 4HL
Approval (Objections received)30/01/202506/02/2025
LA08/2024/1163/FLand to the rear and 20m north of 31 Hillsborough Road and adjacent and west of No. 1 Jubilee Court, Dromore. With access from Jubilee Road, Dromore.Erection of new dwelling and retention of the existing garage.Ian Douglas
Design ID Consulting Limited
23 Lisburn Road
BT67 0RH
Jonathan Macauley
Hillsborough Studios Limited
23 Lisburn Road
BT26 6AA
Refusal1. The proposal is contrary to the Strategic Planning Policy Statement and criterion (a,f,g & h) of Policy QD1 PPS7 Quality Residential Environments . 2.The proposal is contrary to the Strategic Planning Policy Statement and criterion (b) of Policy LC1 of PPS7 Addendum to PPS 7 Safeguarding the Character of Established Residential Areas. 3. The proposal is contrary to Planning Policy Statement 3, Access, Movement and Parking, Policy AMP 2, in that it would, if permitted, prejudice the safety and convenience of road users since it proposes to intensify the use of an existing access at which visibility splays of 2.0 metres x 45 metres cannot be provided in accordance with the standards contained in the Department’s Development Control Advice Note 15.
4.The proposal is contrary to Planning Policy Statement 3, Access, Movement and Parking, Policy AMP 7, in that it would, if permitted, prejudice the safety and convenience of road users since adequate provision cannot be made clear of the highway for the turning of vehicles which would be attracted to the site. 5. The proposal is contrary to Paragraphs 4.11, 4.12 and 5.72 of the Strategic Planning Policy Statement for Northern Ireland and Policy WM 5 of Planning Policy Statement 11: Planning & Waste Management, in that it has not been
demonstrated that the proposal would not, if permitted, give rise to unacceptable adverse impacts of people or the environment. 6. The biodiversity checklist submitted with the application was found to be inaccurate. Officers having not received an accurate biodiversity checklist to allow the Council to determine the application to ensure the proposal meets with the requirements of the Strategic Planning Policy Statement for Northern Ireland; Policies NH 2 and NH5 of Planning Policy Statement 2 Natural Heritage the Council refuses this application as it is the opinion of the Council that this information is material to the determination of this application.
LA08/2024/1239/OLands opposite and 60m north east of 29 Mullaghfernaghan Road, Dromore. SIte for dwelling and garageMAW Architects Ltd
14 Rosses Farm
BT42 2SG
William Herdman
86 Killysorrell Road
BT25 1LB
Refusal1.The proposal is contrary to the SPPS and Policies CTY1 of Planning Policy Statement 21, Sustainable Development in the Countryside in that there are no overriding reasons why this development is essential in this rural location and could not be located within a settlement. 2. The proposal is contrary to the Strategic Planning Policy Statement and Policy CTY 14 of Planning Policy Statement 21, Sustainable Development in the Countryside, in that the dwelling would, if permitted, result in a suburban style build-up of development, create a ribbon of development, and would therefore further erode the rural character of the countryside. 3. The proposal is contrary to the Strategic Planning Policy Statement, Policy CTY 1 and CTY 8 of Planning Policy Statement 21, Sustainable Development in the Countryside in that it does not represent a small gap site within an otherwise substantial and continuously built up frontage. 30/01/202506/02/2025
LA08/2024/1305/F39 Rathmoyle Park, Armagh, BT60 2XDRetention of existing domestic garden room, including alteration of existing double doors to fixed windows NI Planning Consultants
45B Magherarville Road
Christopher Woods
39 Rathmoyle Park
BT60 2XD
Approval (Objection received)30/01/202506/02/2025
LA08/2024/0879/F121 Clare Road, (Cedar Lea), Clare Craigavon, BT66 7SDErection of replacement dwelling & garageDeclan Diamond Design Ltd
17B Seapatrick Road
BT32 4PH
Chris Stewart
1 Cutsburn Brae
Approval (Objection received)30/01/202506/02/2025
LA08/2024/0823/FHuhtamaki (Lurgan) Ltd, 40 Inn Road, Dollingstown, Craigavon, BT66 7JNExtension to the existing main factory building to create additional prodict storage area pre collection. Two existing dock levellers will be removed to facilitate the works. Reconfiguration of existing dock leveller housing. The existing area is hard standing used for trailer loadingBrian Quinn Taylor & Boyd 107 Malone Avenue Belfast BT9 6EQJeff Kearon Huhtamaki (Lurgan) Ltd, 40 Inn Road, Dollingstown, Craigavon, BT66 7JNApproval (Objections received)23/01/202530/01/2025
LA08/2023/1799/O19 Moss Road
Co Down
BT66 7QY
Housing development comprising demolition of existing dwelling and site for up to 2 number of dwellings with private access road and associated landscaping (ecological information received). Studio forty-four-Town & Country Planning, 44A
New Street
BT74 6AH
Alan Wilkinson, 6 Drumlone Road
Approval (Objections received)23/01/202530/01/2025
LA08/2024/0685/F3 Bayview Park
BT67 0BX
Re-siting of domestic garage/store and garden wall, with the erection of a 1.8m close boarded wooden fence. (Amended description)Premier Building Design 24 Lower Ballinderry Road
BT28 2JH
Korina Hughes 3 Bayview Park
BT67 0BX
Approval (Objections received)23/01/202530/01/2025
LA08/2024/0665/FSite immediately adjacent to and north of 12 Katesbridge Road, Kinallen, Dromara, Dromore, BT25 2PNErection of two storey dwelling and garage (Amended plans received).Pepper Architects, 48 Kinallen Rd
BT25 2NW
Neal Elliott, 4 Mayfield Grove
BT25 2QR
Approval (Objections received)23/01/202530/01/2025