Home Resident Planning Applications (Resident)

Planning Applications (Resident)

Planning Applications

The new IT System for Planning went live on 5th December 2022. Applicants, agents – and any third parties who may have an interest in a particular application –  are asked to note that under the new IT System the functionality of the system has changed and language/terminology used on the system is different to that used under the old system.  In particular, it should be noted that unlike the old IT system, the status of an application on the new IT system will no longer change when the application has been placed on a delegated list.  Therefore, the onus is on applicants, agents and any third parties who may have an interest in a particular application to check the weekly delegated lists which appear on the Council’s website every Thursday evening to determine if an application has been placed on the delegated list at www.armaghbanbridgecraigavon.gov.uk/resident/planning-applications-residents/

Members of the public should also note there are a number of identified technical issues with the new system.  The performance of the system will continue  to be monitored as part of the normal service management arrangements and the Council is working closely with the stakeholders including the suppliers to resolve the outstanding issues.  Any issues of concern regarding the new planning IT system should be forwarded to

Applications currently open for comment

Directory of weekly lists of Planning Applications advertised can be viewed and downloaded here.

Schedule of applications

Schedules of Planning Applications to be determined by the Planning Committee can be viewed here.

Valid applications received and decided

Valid applications received and decided can be viewed on the Northern Ireland Public Register

Applications on Scheme of Delegation Eligible for Call In

Current online list of delegated planning applications can be viewed here.

Applications on Scheme of Delegation Not Eligible for Call in

Current online list of delegated planning applications can be viewed here.