Home Resident Car Boot Sales

Car Boot Sales

Car Boot Sale

We host a car boot sale twice monthly on alternate Saturdays in the Shambles Yard, Cathedral Road, Armagh.

Alternate Saturday’s: 8am-1pm (see calendar below for dates)

  • Trader Entry time: 7am
  • Public Entry Time (For Purchasing): 8am NO ENTRY PERMITTED BEFORE THIS TIME.

Trader entry is on a first come first served basis.

*All dates are subject to change

March 20251st15th29th
April 202512th26th
May 202510th24th
June 20257th21st

Car: £6.00
Car & Trailer: £11.00
Van: £11.00 (No vans with trailers permitted)

Vehicle Category Examples:

Car: Up to 5 door saloon car | small Jeep under 14ft e.g. Audi Q3| small van e.g. Citron Berlingo

Car & Trailer: Up to 5 door saloon car | small Jeep under 14ft e.g. Audi Q3| small van e.g. Citron Berlingo with a car trailer

Van: Jeeps over 14ft e.g. Range Rover, Large People Carriers | Transit van


In order to trade at the Car Boot Sale traders must abide by the ‘Car Boot Sale Trading Agreement’ as outlined in the document below, by entering the site traders are agreeing to these terms and conditions.

Traders & Members of the Public/Customers

Any member of the public whether attending the car boot sale to trade or purchase who does not adhere to the direction given to them by any member of Council Car Boot Sale staff or who subjects staff to verbal or physical abuse will be asked to leave the site. The person may be banned from future Car Boot Sales and if deemed necessary the PSNI may be called.

On Car Boot Sale days parking at the Shambles Yard is for sellers only. Please see attached map for alternative parking for customers.

A limited number of Disabled Parking bays will be available for Car Boot Sale customers only and will be available once all traders have been sited.

The Shambles Yard is located at 2 Cathedral Road, Armagh, BT61 7QX.

Q: What does the council supply for traders at the car boot sale?

A: We supply each trader with a space for their vehicle and a small additional space for a table behind their vehicle only. We do not supply tables, rain cover or access to electricity.

Q: Can I pre-book a space or reserve a space at the car boot sale?

A: No, all spaces are on a first come first served basis only.

Q: Are traders permitted to erect gazebos?

A: For health and safety and insurances purposes traders are not permitted to erect gazebos.

Q: What time do I need to be at the car boot sale if I want to trade?

A: The gates open to traders at 7am, queues can form anytime from 5:30am. Queues form both directions from Dawson Street onto Edward Street and Cathedral Road onto Edward Street.

Q: What time can I enter the car boot sale to purchase?

A: Members of the public attending the car boot sale to purchase are not permitted to enter the site until 8am. The reasons for this are:

  • To allow traders to have enough time to get sited and set up.
  • Health and safety and insurances purposes, with vehicles moving around the site to prevent an accident or injury to a person(s) or property.
Q: Can traders avail of the covered area in poor weather conditions?

A: No, traders are only permitted to use the space designated to them by the Council Car Boot Sale staff on site.

Q: Can I choose the space I want to trade from?

A: No, traders will be allocated a space by the Council’s Car Boot Sale staff and must follow the direction given to them by any staff member.

Q: Can I bring my vehicle onsite during the car boot sale to purchase/pick up items?

A: No, vehicles are not permitted onsite during the car boot sale as the area becomes a pedestrian zone once the car boot sale is open to the public at 8am.

Q: Is there any disability parking available during the car boot sale?

A: Yes, 2 disability parking spaces are made available at each car boot sale for customers attending the car boot sale only. We adhere to the Blue Badge Scheme, therefore:

  • the person who holds/owns the Blue Badge must be present in the vehicle. If the person is not present access will not be permitted to someone shopping on their behalf.
  • the person must be shopping at the car boot sale only, the person cannot avail of the space to go off site.
  • the vehicle must park in the spaces designated for disability parking. Drivers cannot move the vehicle around the car boot sale to reach a specific stall(s).
Q: If trading can I exit the car boot sale early before the finishing time?

A: Yes, however you must inform a member of staff who will escort your vehicle off the site. Drivers must turn on their hazard lights when moving through the site and adhere to the 5mph speed limit.

Q: If trading, can I leave unwanted items at the car boot sale?

A: No, if a trader does not sell an item they must take it home with them. If a trader is seen to be leaving an item this is classified as illegal dumping and the traders details will be noted and passed onto the Council’s Environmental Health Department. Each trader is responsible for the waste generated at their stall, all litter i.e., food wrappers, disposable tea/coffee cups must be placed in the bins on site.

  • The Council reserves the right to cancel the car boot sale at short notice due to health & safety reasons, i.e., adverse weather conditions or operational issues. The Council will endeavour to make this information available to the public as quickly as possible.
  • Due to the nature of the site used for the car boot sale on occasions the Council may reduce the capacity of the car boot sale. The Council will endeavour to make this information available to the public as quickly as possible.