Home Resident Fees (Residents)

Fees (Residents)


Your planning or building control application must be accompanied by the appropriate fee and supporting documentation to be processed. Click on the headings below for more information.
Summary of Planning Fees
Application Fees
1. All buildings (other than a single dwellinghouse). Outline Applications
£301 for each 0.1 hectare of the site area subject to a maximum of £12,040.
2. Single dwellinghouse. Outline Applications £505.
3. The erection of a dwellinghouse. (a) Reserved matters
where the application is for a single dwellinghouse, £505;(b) Full
where the application is for a single dwellinghouse, £1,014;(c) Full and reserved matters

  • For 2 or more dwellinghouses—

(i) where the number of dwellinghouses to be created by the development is 50 or fewer, £1,191 for two dwellinghouses and £425 for each additional dwelling house;

(ii) where the number of dwellinghouses to be created by the development exceeds 50, £21,591; and an additional £126 for each dwellinghouse in excess of 50 dwellinghouses, subject to a maximum in total of £316,577.

4. The extension, improvement or alteration of an existing dwellinghouse, including the erection of a building or the carrying out of other operations within the curtilage of a dwellinghouse for purposes ancillary to the enjoyment of the dwellinghouse as such, or the erection or construction of gates, fences, walls or other means of enclosure along a boundary or a curtilage of an existing dwellinghouse. £340 for each dwelling.

Exemption:  Works to a dwelling house or within its curtilage to provide access for, or improve the safety, health or comfort of a disabled person, whether the disabled person is already in occupation or will be following completion of the works or an application for planning permission to carry out works for the purpose of providing means of access for disabled persons to or within a building or premises to which members of the public are admitted Nil fee

5. The erection of industrial, commercial, community and other buildings, other than dwellinghouses or buildings covered by category Full and Reserved Matters

(a)where no floor space is to be created by the development, £216;

(b) where the area of gross floor space to be created by the development does not exceed 40 sq.m., £216;

(c) where the area of the gross floor space to be created by the development exceeds 40 sq.m., but does not exceed 75 sq.m., £425;

(d) where the area of the gross floor space to be created by the development exceeds 75 sq.m., but does not exceed 3,750 sq.m., £425 for each 75 sq.m. of that area;

(e) where the area of gross floor space to be created by the development exceeds 3,750 sq.m., £21,250; and an additional £126 for each 75 sq.m., in excess of 3,750 sq.m., subject to a maximum in total of £316,468.

6. The erection, alteration or replacement of plant and machinery including telecommunications/datacommunications equipment, a single wind turbine and wind farms. (a) where the site area does not exceed 5 hectares, £425 for each 0.1 hectare of the site area;

(b) where the site area exceeds 5 hectares, £21,250; and an additional £126 for each 0.1 hectare in excess of 5 hectares, subject to a maximum in total of £316,468.

7. The erection, on land used for the purposes of agriculture, of buildings to be used for agricultural purposes and for agricultural and commercial glasshouses. £1,130 for each 500 sq.m. of floor space subject to a maximum of £14,979.
8. The winning and working of peat. £2,248 for each 5 hectares of the site area subject to a maximum of £40,464.
9. (a) The winning and working of minerals (other than peat).

(b) The carrying out of any operations connected with exploratory drilling for oil or natural gas.

(c) The use of land for the disposal of refuse or waste materials or for the deposit of material remaining after minerals have been extracted from land or the use of land for the storage of minerals in the open.

(d) The carrying out of any other operation not coming within any of the above categories.

£435 per 0.1 hectare of the site area subject to a maximum of £48,720.
10. The construction of single level car parks, service roads and other means of access on land used for the purpose of a single undertaking, where the development is required for a purpose incidental to the existing use of the land. £301.
11. (a) The continuance of a use of land or the retention of buildings or works on land, without compliance with a condition subject to which a previous planning permission has been granted (including a condition requiring discontinuance of the use or the removal of the building or works at the end of the specified period).

(b) An application to develop land without compliance with a condition subject to which a previous planning permission has been granted.

12. An application for a material change of use. (a) where the application relates to a dwellinghouse, £825 for the first dwellinghouse and £301 for each additional dwellinghouse subject to a maximum of £15,050;

(b) for any other change of use, £301 for each 75 sq.m., of floor space subject to a maximum of £15,050.

13. Any other application not falling within categories 1-12. £990.”
Certificate Fees
Proposed Certificate of Lawfulness 50% of the development category 1 to 13
Existing Certificate of Lawfulness 100% of the development category 1 to 13
Consent Fees
Consent to Advertise £226
Listed Building Consent Nil fee
Determination if Listed Building Consent is required Nil fee
Conservation Area Consent (demolition) Nil fee
Area of Townscape or Village Character Consent (demolition) Nil fee
Consent to fell or lop a tree covered by a Tree Preservation Order Nil fee
Consent to fell or lop a tree in a conservation area Nil fee
Other Planning Fees
EIA £12,664 in addition to the amount that would otherwise be payable, subject to the maximum for the category of development as specified
Presence of hazardous substances on, over or under land (a) (i) where section 111(1) of the 2011 Act applies (new consent without previous conditions), £406;

(ii) where section 111(1) of the 2011 Act does not apply and the quantity specified in the application as the maximum quantity proposed to be present exceeds twice the controlled quantity, £508;

(b) A fee of £810 shall be payable to the Council in respect of an application for the continuation of hazardous substances consent under section 116 of the 2011 Act.

Discharge of Condition Nil fee
Non-Material Change Nil fee
An application for planning permission made by or on behalf of a club, society or other organisation (including any persons administering a trust) which is not established or conducted for profit and the conditions specified in the adjacent column are satisfied. Nil fee

Where the Council is satisfied the application relates to the provision of community facilities (including sports grounds) and playing fields;
the Council is satisfied that the development is to be carried out on land which is, or is intended to be, occupied by the club, society or other organisation and to be used wholly or mainly for the carrying out of its objects.

The Council may request evidence to be submitted by an applicant to demonstrate that the aforementioned criteria is achieved This could include, but not be exclusively dependent upon, a registered charity reference number

Renewal of planning permission where existing approval has not yet expired A reduced fee of 25% of the normal fee applies for an application
NB For further guidance on the above fees please refer to Explanatory Notes for Applicants
 Other fees
Copy document requests A3 & A4 – £2.05 per page
A0 to A2 – £5.10 per page
Pre application advice £75
(Householder, commercial under 200m², Charity, Community and Listed Buildings are exempt)
Pre application discussion Local (Small scale) £500
2-9 residential units or 200-1999m² commercialLocal £650
10- 49 residential units or 2000 – 4900m² commercialMajor £800
50 & above residential units or 5000m² & above commercialAdditional site visits £150 and additional meetings £150(Householder, commercial* under 200m², Charity, Community and Listed Buildings are exempt)*Commercial includes retail, office and economic development uses as defined in PPS4

Planning Copy Document Requests

Copies of documents such as Decision Notices, Case Officer Reports and Consultee responses relating to planning applications from 2011 onwards are available to download, free of charge, from the public planning portal at the following link.

Northern Ireland Public Register

Copies of documents relating to planning applications before 2011, and any other documents not available on the Planning Portal, can be requested by completing the form below. This service incurs a charge for both hard copies and/or electronic copies as follows:

A3 & A4 – £2.05 per page
A0 to A2 – £5.10 per page

After your request has been received, we will contact you to arrange payment by card.

Further guidance is included on the planning copy document request form.

To download a copy document request please follow the link below.

Planning Copy Document Request Form