With the first signs of Spring finally beginning to appear, an exciting new programme of both weekly and monthly gardening workshops are planned for the Kinnego Bushcraft Community Garden at Oxford Island.
The Bushcraft Team in ABC Council are hosting weekly sessions on Thursday evenings from 6pm to 8.30pm, starting from Thursday 6 March, while on the last Thursday of each month, the council staff will again join with Natural World Products to deliver a series of No Dig workshops.
No-dig gardening cares for soil by cutting out the need for cultivation which damages soil structure and disrupts the natural processes which makes no-dig a better choice for soil health.
Natural World Products process the organic waste from brown bins collected in the ABC Borough and produce peat free composts one of which ‘New Leaf Compost’ is being used at the Kinnego Community Garden.
The Community Garden offers a wide range of benefits including shared beds to plant crops; supportive, friendly community of gardeners; and a share of the seasonal harvest.
Whether you’re an experienced gardener or a complete novice, the workshops will cover a wide range of topics with helpful advice on; No Dig practices; crop planning; composting; pest control; backyard gardening; chemical free fruit and veggie growing; seed sowing and transplanting.
Contact Sandra or Wayne by email at to register up for the workshops, or find out more information.
Keep an eye on the ‘Oxford Island’ and ‘getactiveabc’ Facebook pages for details on the events at the Kinnego Bushcraft Community Garden throughout the year.
Craigavon Building Sustainable Communities Project at Bushcraft is funded by Department of Communities.