Public Consultation open for placement of Centenary Stones


Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council has opened a public consultation to determine the placement of Centenary Stones at locations across the borough, following the unveiling of three Centenary Stones at its Civic Buildings to mark the Centenary of Northern Ireland.

Fifteen stones were secured as part of a council programme to mark the Centenary of Northern Ireland in 2021. Recently the Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon, Alderman Margaret Tinsley officially unveiled Centenary Stones at The Palace Armagh, Banbridge Civic Building and Craigavon Civic Centre, with the locations of the remaining 12 stones now out for public consultation.

The stones are designed in the shape of Northern Ireland and made from locally sourced granite, with the words “Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Foundation of Northern Ireland” engraved.

The public consultation is now open until Friday 1st March 2024 and can be completed online at,

The installation of the centenary stones was part of a borough-wide campaign entitled Our People, Our Place Our Story, which was a yearlong programme of council events to mark the centenary of Northern Ireland in 2021.