Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council launches public consultation on the provision of allotments across the local area.
Now live, the survey seeks to gauge views, opinions, and interest among local residents on the development of allotments in the borough. Residents have eight weeks to share their feedback on everything from current horticulture activity, preferred allotment location and size to potential costs and suggested site amenities.
Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon, Councillor Paul Greenfield said:
“I am delighted to see the launch of this survey, which seeks to help council understand local interest and demand for allotments within the borough. The survey, which can be accessed online or in paper form, will remain open for eight weeks and will help provide residents the opportunity to play their part in shaping and influencing local decision making.
“With allotments growing in popularity over recent years, research has shown people who tend to allotment plots benefit from a whole host of physical and mental health benefits, from helping them keep fit to connecting with nature and feeling a sense of achievement.
“I would encourage everyone who can spare the time to take part in this short but very important survey.”
How to access the survey
- Online: Residents can access the survey online by clicking here.
- Paper: Residents can collect a paper version from The Palace Demesne, Armagh, Banbridge Civic Building and Craigavon Civic and Conference Centre. Or request a postal copy by contacting Jason Patterson on .
The survey will close on Tuesday 30 August 2022.