Lord Mayor’s fundraising efforts shift up a gear at Cars, Bikes and Coffee event


A cavalcade of motoring enthusiasts cruised into the grounds of Craigavon Civic Centre on Thursday 16 May to attend the now annual ‘Cars, Bikes and Coffee’ event hosted by this year’s Lord Mayor Margaret Tinsley in a final push to raise funds for her chosen charity before her term in office ends.

Vehicle owners, local councillors and car-loving members of the public all came along to view the wide range of cars from luxury to vintage on display and in doing so raised £1,100 for Charis Cancer Care which offers a range of holistic and complementary therapies to individuals affected by cancer.

A Lamborghini, a range of Porsches, a Morris Mini Cooper, a Mazda MX5, and  Ford Mustangs were among the makes and models to attract attention from the crowds. Members of the Hope and Glory Club, Armagh brought along an array of immaculately presented Vespa and Lambretta scooters.

Speaking afterwards, Lord Mayor Margaret Tinsley said: “I would like to express my sincere thanks to everyone who supported my charity event.

It was amazing to see the collection of vehicles on show – and to hear owners talk so passionately about the time they devote to restoring and keeping their vehicles in pristine condition.

The money raised at this event and throughout my term in office will benefit many individuals and families receiving support from Charis Cancer Care.”

The event ended on a high when the Lord Mayor awarded prizes in three categories. Brian Costley from Maralin won the Best in Show prize for his ex-Tony Pond Rover rally car. Chris Wolsey from Bangor won the Best Car prize for his 1971 BMW 2002 Tii and Phelin Lennon from Craigavon won the Best Bike prize for his Lambretta scooter.