Local community encouraged to help shape a place plan for Banbridge

Banbridge Place Plan
Lord Mayor Councillor Paul Greenfield joins local councillors and council staff at the Civic Building to announce the start of extensive public engagement for the Banbridge Place Plan. Also included are John Downey from the Department for Communities, Aisling Rusk from Studio Idir and Amberlea Neely from Starling Start.

Work to develop an ambitious place plan for Banbridge got underway today with Armagh Banbridge and Craigavon Community Planning Partnership announcing plans to carry out wide-ranging consultations with the local community throughout February and March.

Every effort is being made to create a shared vision for the town’s future growth and development that is as broad as possible and informed by strong community engagement. The local Community Planning Partnership is encouraging everyone who lives and works in Banbridge or uses the town to access services to get involved.

Keen to make sure local people’s views are taken into account at this early stage of the place shaping process, Lord Mayor Councillor Paul Greenfield, said:  

“Our priority is to ensure the local community is central to creating proposals and identifying opportunities for change that guide the future development of Banbridge town centre.

By working together, we can create a place plan that reflects the future needs, aspirations and ambitions of local people, capitalises on the town’s unique character and supports its sustainable economic, cultural and social growth.

I would encourage everyone who lives, works and invests here to join in or attend an engagement session and share their creative ideas and suggestions.” 

Studio Idir and Starling Start have been appointed to take an inclusive approach to engaging with all town centre users through a wide range of public engagement activities and events, commencing with an online session on Thursday 9 February from 7pm to 8pm. Please register to take part at bit.ly/3kV087b.

In addition, the public has the option of dropping in to chat to the project team at the ‘Place Lab’ in Banbridge Old Town Hall between 10am and 11am on any of these Fridays in February (10, 17 and 24) and March (3, 10, 24 and 31).

On Thursday 2 March, any member of the local community can attend an engagement session in Banbridge Leisure Centre (Studio 2) between 10am and 11.30am, which concludes with an optional walking tour along Banbridge River Walk.

For anyone who is unable to attend an engagement session in person, they will have an opportunity to complete a short online survey from Friday 3 February until Friday 3 March at bit.ly/3WELVZh.

Further engagements sessions have been organised for key stakeholder groups.

On Monday 13 February, local societies, sports clubs, community groups and churches are welcome to attend an engagement session between 10am and 11.30am in Banbridge Old Town Hall, followed by an optional tour of Banbridge town centre.

On Thursday 23 February, business and commercial property owners can attend a drop-in session in Banbridge Old Town Hall between 12pm and 5pm. This will also be followed by a later session that day between 6pm and 7.30pm in the same venue.

The project team will also be reaching out to older people’s groups and schools with a view to understanding what they consider to be important to the future improvement of the town.

Visit www.armaghbanbridgecraigavon.gov.uk/resident/banbridge-place-plan or email to find more about the Banbridge Place Plan.

This project is part funded by Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council and the Department for Communities.