Local Businesses Urged to Apply for Queen’s Awards for Enterprise

Queens Award Photograph
Lord Mayor, Cllr Paul Greenfield and Interim Deputy Chief Executive Sharon McNicholl pictured with previous awardees of the Queens Award for Enterprise, Connor Jordan - Springco, Jason Gibson - AJ Power and Dr Mark McKinney - ATG Services. ©Edward Byrne Photography

Entries are now open for the most prestigious awards available to UK businesses – and firms across the ABC area are being encouraged to apply for this year’s prize.

The Queen’s Awards for Enterprise are for outstanding achievement by UK businesses in the categories of: innovation, international trade, sustainable development and promoting opportunity through social mobility.

The Council is urging businesses across the borough to apply and showcase their innovative product or service.

Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon, Councillor Paul Greenfield, comments: “The Queen’s Awards for Enterprise is a great way of celebrating success.  We have hundreds of fantastic businesses across the borough who are leading the way for others to follow.  It doesn’t matter if you are a small business or a larger company, the awards are judged solely on merit and are a real showcase for the most successful enterprises.”

There have been many local winners in recent years including the TML Group – consisting of Springco (NI) Ltd Portadown – who were awarded the Queen’s Award for International Trade in 2020 for Outstanding Short Term Growth in oversea sales.   A.J. Power was also a recipient of a Queen’s Award for International Trade in 2016, for achieving outstanding growth in overseas sales.  In addition, ATG Services (Ireland) Ltd. T/A part of the ATG Group, with an office in CIDO Lurgan, received The Queen’s Award for Enterprise in Sustainable Development in 2020.

To apply for the Queen’s Award for Enterprise your organisation must:

  • Be based in the UK
  • Have a good compliance record with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC)
  • Be a self-contained enterprise that markets its own products or services and is under its own management
  • Have at least 2 full-time UK employees or part-time equivalents
  • Demonstrate strong corporate social responsibility

Organisations can be a business or non-profit. Applications must be submitted by 12noon on Tuesday 6 September 2022.

For more information visit https://www.gov.uk/queens-awards-for-enterprise

Lord Mayor, Cllr Paul Greenfield and Interim Deputy Chief Executive Sharon McNicholl pictured with previous awardees of the Queens Award for Enterprise, Connor Jordan – Springco, Jason Gibson – AJ Power and Dr Mark McKinney – ATG Services. ©Edward Byrne Photography