The people of Armagh are once again being invited to have an input into the future of their city as part of the development of the Armagh Place Plan.
The Armagh Place Plan is a new initiative being taken forward by Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon Community Planning Partnership and will be the first locality plan for the Borough under its new community planning remit.
The project is being managed by Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council with design studio, Urban Scale Interventions appointed to develop the plan. Development costs have been contributed by community planning partners, NI Housing Executive and Department for Communities.
Roger Wilson, Chair of the Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon Community Planning Partnership explains. “We began engaging with the people of Armagh at the commencement of this project, hosting a series of online public sessions. We also engaged with local businesses, communities and statutory agencies and issued engagement packs to local schools.
We want to continue this conversation and receive input from as many people as possible to ensure we have a plan that is co-designed by the people who know Armagh best – those who live, work, play and study there.
To enable us to do this we have developed an online survey which will allow us to capture the opinions of local people, detailing what makes Armagh special to them and what would help make the city a better place to live. I would encourage anyone with an interest in the future of Armagh to take a few minutes to complete the survey which will help shape the Armagh Place Plan”
In addition to the previous engagement, Urban Scale Interventions have carried out desktop research that has produced four draft outcomes for Armagh, namely, A Green City, A Connected City, An Engaging City, A Healthy City.
To date all engagement has been undertaken online due to COVID-19 restrictions, however plans are now in place for public engagement exercises to take place in person throughout the summer months.
Once information has been gathered through the survey and other engagement methods, and a draft plan produced, a formal public consultation will take place in autumn 2021.
To take part in the Armagh Place Plan survey click the following link;
The survey will close on Monday 26 July 2021
For more information about the Borough’s first community plan, Connected, the long-term, overarching plan for the borough, and the community planning partnership visit www.armaghbanbridgecraigavon.gov.uk/resident/community-planning