Leisure Services Update

Leisure Amenities Update Image

Throughout the pandemic the Leisure Services team at Council has prioritised the health and safety of customers, ensuring that everyone has a safe and enjoyable experience when using or visiting all leisure and recreational facilities.

This focus will remain the same as the transition into the final stages of the relaxation of restrictions takes place, and the current guidance from the Northern Ireland Executive is implemented. These changes will be introduced from Monday 18 October as follows:

Conference and Activity Room Bookings:

• All conference and activity room bookings will no longer require a risk assessment if the booking is for 15 people or under (with the exception of team sports).
• Bookings of 15 or more will require a risk assessment with social distancing guidance of 1 metre in place.

Gym Changes:

• Advanced booking will no longer be required, enabling open access to all customers subject to availability.
• Social distancing will be reduced from 2 metres to 1.5 metres to increase capacity within gym and access to equipment.
• Customers will be required to wipe down equipment before and after use and regularly sanitise hands, as the requirement for additional cleaning throughout the day will be removed in line with guidance and to increase customer capacity. Normal cleaning protocols will apply.
• Customers are still advised to come gym ready where possible, to limit the number of customers using changing facilities, particularly at busy periods.

Pool Changes:

• Advanced booking will no longer be required, with the exception of the Splash Pool at South Lake Leisure Centre. Advance booking will continue to be necessary for the Splash Pool and bookings will be required for the Learner Pool up until 1st Nov.
• It is each customers responsibility to social distance, and hand sanitise, whilst inside centres.
• Customers are advised to check the following links in relation to pool timetables and public access to pool facilities:
• Customers are advised to check with their local facility in advance of arrival to check capacity and access to avoid disappointment on arrival.
• During busy periods customers may be asked to wait for a short period of time before gaining access to the pool, due to a high volume of users.

Please note:

• The wearing of face coverings is mandatory in public areas when in all leisure facilities, particularly when moving around the building (exceptions apply).
• “Track and trace” is still required for visits to all centres – systems may vary at each site so you should report to reception at each site as a general rule and/or follow local signage instruction.
• One-way systems may no longer apply in some facilities where adequate space is available for safe customer movement.
• As services return to a more normalised approach we ask customers for understanding as service delivery adjusts to the new operational practices being implemented.

As always, we would like to thank all our valued Get Active customers. The pandemic hasn’t been easy for you or for staff teams within our facilities, but with each positive step forward we can begin to reflect on the exceptional journey we have travelled together over the past twenty months and acknowledge just how far we have come.