Join a Chatty Walk this Loneliness Awareness Week

Loneliness Awareness Week launch with LM
Lord Mayor Alderman Margaret Tinsley pictured with representatives from ABC Loneliness Network at the official launch of Loneliness Awareness Week at The Palace Demesne.

Getting more active isn’t just about your physical health – the social aspects are just as important. Join our Chatty Walks, planned across Loneliness Awareness Week, to combine both and create some new connections.

This year’s theme for Loneliness Awareness Week is Connection Matters. ABC Loneliness Network has planned a series of Chatty Walks running from 12 to 16 June during Loneliness Awareness Week, (12-16 June 2023). The walks are open to everyone locally, aiming to help reduce isolation and encourage people to talk more openly about loneliness.

ABC Loneliness Network is inviting the public to come along and join the conversation about how to address loneliness. The network works to raise loneliness awareness and to prevent loneliness by increasing opportunities for socialisation in our local communities.

Gerard Rocks, Assistant Director for Promoting Wellbeing Division in the Southern Trust said:

“People of all ages can experience loneliness. Most of us will have felt lonely at some time in our lives – it’s a natural human emotion. But we know that chronic loneliness can result in a range of health problems, such as cardiovascular disease, depression and anxiety and has significant consequences to a person’s quality of life.

“Within the Southern Trust we are committed to finding ways to support all those who may be feeling lonely or who are at risk of loneliness. For this reason I am delighted to see the ABC Loneliness Network engaging with local residents on a range of Chatty Walks and to see the wide range of initiatives being developed in partnership across the Southern Trust area. It is only through increasing the dialogue about loneliness that we will reduce stigma, and encourage people who are experiencing loneliness to reach out for support.”

Lord Mayor Alderman Margaret Tinsley welcomed members of the ABC Loneliness Network to the first chatty walk around the Palace Demesne and on their return, participants enjoyed light refreshments in the Palace Building.

Chatty Walks will be held at the locations below, followed by some free refreshments after each walk. Everyone welcome!

  • Monday 12 June The Palace Demesne, Armagh 11am–12noon
  • Monday 12 June Lurgan Park, meet at the gates Windsor Avenue, 10am-11am
  • Tuesday 13 June The Mall, Armagh, meet at the top of the mall, beside monument, close to courthouse, 11am–12noon
  • Wednesday 14 June Darby and Joan Club, Garvaghy Road, Portadown, 10.30am–11.30am
  • Wednesday 14 June at Oxford Island, meet at Discovery Centre, 10am
  • Thursday 15 June Chatty Walk & Chi Me @ Keady Day Centre, Annvale Road, Keady, 11am–12noon
  • Thursday 15 June, South Lakes, meet at Café Incredable, 10am-11am
  • Friday 16 June, The Navan Centre, Armagh, 11am–12noon

For further info on the Network or any of the ABC Loneliness Network Projects please contact Tracey Powell or Catherine McCormack Community Development Workers, SHSCT
T: 028 3756 4495/4494

To find out about loneliness initiatives in other local area please contact:

Newry & Mourne area – Annie Clarke
T: 02837 566290

Mid-Ulster area – Tracey Powell
T: 02837 564495