January blues banished at ABC Age Friendly tea dance

Cllr Kate Evans who is an Age Friendly Champion for the ABC Borough is pictured with ABC Age Friendly Officer Stephanie Rock at the tea dance at the Armagh City Hotel.
Cllr Kate Evans who is an Age Friendly Champion for the ABC Borough is pictured with ABC Age Friendly Officer Stephanie Rock at the tea dance at the Armagh City Hotel.

The January blues were banished in style at the ABC Age Friendly Tea Dance held in the Armagh City Hotel.

Over 200 people aged 50 plus, turned out for the social event on Thursday 23 January, which was organised by the ABC Age Friendly Officer Stephanie Rock and funded by the Public Health Agency.

As well as the tea dance, the event included information stands from a wide range of Service Providers who were on hand to offer helpful advice.

Cllr Kate Evans who is an Age Friendly Champion for the ABC Borough, welcomed everyone to the tea dance and thanked all those who helped organise the successful event.

Everyone thoroughly enjoyed a great afternoon of moving, connecting and learning about services available to people aged 50 plus in the Borough.

To find out about future Age Friendly events happening in the ABC Borough, or to sign up for the ABC Seniors Newsletter, you can contact Stephanie on tel: 07825 010630 or by email: You can also keep up to date by visiting the Age Friendly webpage on the council website – www.armaghbanbridgecraigavon.gov.uk/agefriendly