Free virtual Couch to 5k & Sofa to Saddle

Couch to 5k & Sofa to Saddle

As part of the Get Moving ABC initiative we are offering you a free Virtual Couch to 5k eight-week programme commencing Monday 11th January.  All you have to do is complete three activities per week leaving from your own front door on the days and times which suit you best.  There will be weekly tips via email to keep you motivated and the opportunity to connect via WhatsApp.

Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough, Councillor Kevin Savage commented,

“It can often be too easy under the current circumstances to neglect our physical and mental well-being.  It is important to remind ourselves of the importance of physical activity and how a simple walk or cycle can make us feel great and really boost our mood for the day.  So I encourage you to make that change, give yourself a new challenge or step out of your comfort zone and sign up to the Virtual Couch to 5k or Sofa to Saddle.”

This programme is for everyone, whether you’ve never run before, or if you want to get back into being more active with health benefits which can reduce the risk of chronic illnesses such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and having a stroke, it will also boost your mood and keep your weight under control.

The programme will begin week commencing Monday 11th January 2021 until the week of 1st March.

Each week you will increase your running time and begin to feel stronger and build your confidence so why not join up by visiting to register for a fitter healthier you.

For more information about this programme please contact Nick Rusk, Every Body Active 2020 Coach on 07515607453 or email

Alternatively, if cycling is your sport, why not try our Virtual Sofa to Saddle programme. The concept is simple and suitable for recreational cyclists who need a little extra encouragement and advice on how to get off the sofa and back into the saddle. The 4-week programme is suitable for those aged 8 years and above, no matter their competency level.

Exercising is vital for maintaining your physical and mental health. Cycling outdoors allows your body and mind to relax, releasing happy hormones and endorphins, reducing anxiety and depression, promoting weight loss, and improving sleep quality.

A qualified cycling instructor will guide you through the 4-week programme and be on hand to share their skills, knowledge and expertise. The programme will commence Monday 11th January 2021.

So, grab your bike and join the programme. To register visit:

For more information about the Sofa to Saddle programme please contact Kelley Rushton on 07767167497 or email