Free pocket ashtrays to cut down on cigarette litter

Wise litter image

Did you know that cigarette butts are the main form of litter on our streets? And that it takes considerable use of Council resources and ratepayers’ money to continually clean up this mess?

Council Environmental Wardens, along with WISE Environmental Officers, regularly give out Fixed Penalty Notices to offenders, but are now hoping to stub out this filthy littering habit once and for all, with the help of free pocket ashtrays.

Pocket ashtrays are reusable pouches that are designed for people to use when they are on the go – meaning they have somewhere to easily dispose of their cigarette butts, rather than littering our borough.

Cigarette filters contain plastic, which take a long time to break down in the environment, very often end up in the water and are harmful to our marine and freshwater fish.

The provision of these small but very useful pouches allows for correct and responsible disposal into a bin and endorses our ongoing pledge to reduce climate change.

These pouches are free and will be given out on the street by Council Officers. Or, you can request a pouch by contacting council on 0300 030 0900.

The pouches also provide details on smoking cessation supported by the Public Health Agency, including a helpful website. If you want more information to help stop smoking visit