With the noticeable stretch in the evenings and the dry, milder weather bringing many of us out and about more, ABC Council is calling on those visiting its play parks this spring to play their part in respecting these important shared spaces.
Loved by many, the borough’s some 90 plus play parks are a natural go-to for local families, offering a special place for children and young people to enjoy. These shared spaces are proven to help improve children and young people’s health and wellbeing as well as provide many opportunities for learning and development.
To ensure we all benefit from the right to enjoy our play parks, it’s important for everyone to act safely and treat the area with respect. Therefore, ABC Council is urging all play park users to continue to observe the following guidelines:
- Please be respectful of the play area and other users.
- Please do not bring wheeled equipment into the play area.
- Please do not bring dogs, only assistance dogs are permitted.
- Please remain Covid-19 aware and continue to be mindful of the following:
- Play equipment is checked regularly for damage and wear and tear, but is not sanitised or disinfected. This is shared equipment, used at your own risk.
- In order to assist with social distancing requirements only have one family member accompanying a child.
- Do not use equipment if you or any member of your household has Covid-19 symptoms, or are self-isolating.
- Make sure you have hand sanitiser with you before entering the play park. Encourage everyone in your family to wash their hands with hand sanitiser regularly and as a minimum before and after using the play park.
- Adults should wear a face covering, unless exempt.
- Encourage children to avoid touching their faces.
- You must maintain social distancing from others unless they are from the same household.
- Some equipment can only be used by one child at a time while social distancing. Please ensure your family waits at a safe distance if the equipment is in use or return later to use the equipment.
- Wash your hands when you get home for 20 seconds using soap and water.
We hope you enjoy using the borough’s many play parks and we thank you for helping to keep everyone safe by always following these simple instructions.