D-Day Commemorations take place across the Borough


To mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings, special commemorative events took place across the Borough in Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon on Thursday 6 June 2024.

Each location included the lighting of the Beacon and the reading of The International Tribute.

St Patrick’s Church of Ireland Cathedral in Armagh held a service which included an act of remembrance recalling those who paid the supreme sacrifice in the D-Day landings, and during the Second World War, in the pursuit of peace and freedom.

Banbridge Civic Building welcomed pupils from Banbridge High School and St Patrick’s College who have been working together for several months on the subject of World War II and D-Day. The event also featured The Frontier Pipes and Drums.

Craigavon Civic and Conference Centre hosted local school children from Dickson Primary who have been working on a D-Day project. Local historian Richard Edgar presented a talk while St Mark’s Silver Band offered a musical backdrop to the event.

This community initiative was supported through The Executive Office District Council Good Relations Programme.