Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council welcomes the enhanced flood support scheme following Economy Minister Conor Murphy’s announcement last week. The new scheme which opens today 27 February 2024, will provide businesses with enhanced flood support to those affected by recent flooding.
The scheme for eligible businesses closes on 22 March 2024 at 12 noon. Applications will be coordinated by Newry, Mourne and Down District Council and are to be made via an online portal at: Enhanced Flood Support Scheme
Following flooding in the borough in October/November 2023, the Council delivered the first phase of business support funding to local businesses on behalf of the Department for Economy. This scheme closed in December and issued payments of £7,500.
The Enhanced Flood Support Scheme will provide further support to businesses that were directly flooded following the severe weather in late October and early November. The support is in addition to the £7,500 grants and rates relief that has been provided to date to affected businesses.
The purpose of the Enhanced Flood Support Scheme grant is to provide up to £100,000 additional support to eligible businesses to help them re-open and resume trading, or remain open and continue trading. Applicants will have two options to choose from during the process dependant on the level of eligible costs incurred, or to be incurred.
Lord Mayor of Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon, Alderman Margaret Tinsley, commented:
“This enhanced scheme for additional support to businesses within our borough will give a welcome boost to those affected by the flooding late last year. The Council is dedicated to ensuring that we continue to help our business community recover and thrive once again.”
Applicants will be required to submit appropriate evidence to support their application. All awards are subject to funding availability and late applications will not be accepted. Should businesses require further support or information, applicants are asked to contact:
The Minister also announced two hardship schemes to provide support for businesses and some other non-domestic premises that were impacted by the flooding at the end of October/early November 2023 but were not eligible for the previous £7,500 payment or the Enhanced Flood Support Scheme.
Details of how to apply for the two hardship schemes will be made available in the coming weeks.