Over 150 members of staff from Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council have been redeployed to provide front-line support during the coronavirus pandemic.
Staff from across the organisation are temporarily moving roles and using their skill set to support their colleagues in the delivery of council’s critical services – including undertaking key roles in parks, refuse collection, street cleansing, cemeteries and household recycling centres.
The flexible and resilient staff members have embraced different ways of working – pulling together and working hard to make sure residents and businesses borough-wide are given full support during this difficult time.
Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon, Councillor Kevin Savage, comments: “I am very proud of all our staff who have shown willingness and dedication during this challenging time.”
“Many of our employees – who are unable to continue with their day-to-day jobs because of service closures – are undertaking new roles to ensure that council’s vital local services can be maintained. You may see some ‘new faces’ out and about working in a wide range of areas including parks, street cleansing and waste management – to help ensure our borough remains, safe, tidy and clean during the pandemic.”
“All staff across council continue to do an amazing job in hugely challenging circumstances.”
Just recently, Council’s Sustainable Communities staff and Bushcraft Centre staff moved to South Lake Leisure Centre to support Indoor Leisure teams and Environmental Services teams undertake litter lifts and street cleansing jobs in and around estates in Craigavon, Portadown and Lurgan seven days a week. They are also linking in with the local community and external partners to deliver essential services during this period of restriction and closure.
In addition, with an increase in people out and about in parks in particular during this lockdown, many Council staff members have been supporting Environmental Services teams to keep the parks clean and tidy.
Sheila Mackey, a Leisure Attendant at Orchard Leisure Centre, has been redeployed to Gosford Forest Park. Commenting on her recent move she said “I am delighted to be support my council colleagues keep the borough clean and tidy. I’m working with a great group of people down in Gosford who have made me so welcome. It is great to get out and about in this amazing forest each day and feels good to help out as much as I can during these tough times.”