Council Negotiations Continue with Joint Trade Unions

Industrial relations

The Council would like to update residents on the current negotiations to resolve the on-going Trade Unions pay dispute, and apologise once again for the service disruption caused, as week four of the dispute continues.

It is important for residents to understand the position of the Council, the challenges it faces, and the reasons why there has not been a resolution to date, despite comprehensive negotiations.

The Council this year, like all families and businesses, is facing unprecedented financial pressure with regard to increased fuel, energy and other costs. These costs combined with the national pay offer of £1925 for all staff, along with the additional salary increments requested by Trade Unions, could potentially mean a double-digit rates increase..

The challenge that Council faces is to find this money in a way that protects jobs and services and does not pass the burden onto ratepayers, who are also suffering financially at this time.

The Council is acutely aware of the current cost of living crisis and the impact this is having on staff, and has made an increased offer to Trade Unions as follows:

  • A payment of £1,800 to all staff below Director level(in addition to the national pay offer of £1,925)
  • A commitment to finalising the assimilation and harmonisation matters in a way that poses no detriment to staff.

Unfortunately, an agreement has not been reached.

Elected members and the Council wish to reassure residents that they remain fully committed to finding a way forward with the Trade Unions, to reach a satisfactory outcome that will end this dispute.

Residents will continue to be informed of service updates via the Council’s website:, and social media (Facebook/Twitter).