6 – 12 June 2022 is Child Safety Week, an annual event organised by the Child Accident Prevention Trust and this year’s theme is Safety in Mind.
The Council are playing their part by highlighting the importance of dog safety in the home and around children. Dogs are a much loved member of many families however with dog ownership comes responsibility to ensure both the animal and family members, especially young children, are able to enjoy each other’s company in a happy and safe environment. So always follow the Dog Safety Code where young children are concerned.
Armagh City Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council’s Home Safety Scheme is here to assist with any home safety concerns. If you have children under 5, are aged over 65, or have a disability/special need, our Home Safety Team can provide information and advice on avoidance of accidents, highlighting not only potential hazards in the home, but extending also to the beloved family pet. Further information on our Home Safety Scheme can be found at https://bit.ly/3xxBvBt
To contact the Home Safety Team T: 0300 0300 900 or
Information on dog safety, licensing of your dog or dog related concerns can be found in the Environmental Health section of our website at https://bit.ly/39291WP or by contacting the Environmental Health team T: 0300 0300 900 or E:
To find out more about Child Safety Week go to https://bit.ly/3ioLp0L