Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon Policing and Community Safety Partnership have been working alongside the local PSNI Neighbourhood Policing Teams to help householders show doorstep criminals the door, through a scheme to keep ‘rogue traders’ at bay.
Using the ‘No Cold Calling Zone…no uninvited traders’ window stickers, developed in association with Trading Standards, cold callers can be warned away and a contact number provided to report those who ignore the sticker’s warning to Trading Standards.
The stickers have been distributed throughout Northern Ireland in recent years but since 2017, there have been a number of No Cold Calling Zones established in the Borough, with lamp-post signage to provide extra awareness.
Since the beginning of 2021, the PCSP and PSNI have been working with residents across the borough and have increased the No Cold Calling zones from 20 schemes to 100, with eight new zones in the village of Richhill.
While it should be noted that not all cold callers are rogue traders, the project has been developed by police to put a stop to those unofficial traders who may over-charge an unsuspecting and often elderly householder for poor quality work or work that is never completed at all.
Chief Inspector Barney O’Connor said: “I am proud that Castle Gardens, Richhill was the 100th No Cold Calling Zone established in the Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon, Borough.
“This simple but effective initiative has been a huge success, brought about through a collaborative approach involving the PCSP, our neighbourhood policing teams, trading standards and most importantly the community.
“I particularly want to thank those individuals who recognised the importance and strength of community cohesion, through putting in place these preventative measures.
“Both the PCSP and the PSNI have been working tirelessly to help residents across the borough establish No Cold Calling Zones within their neighbourhoods,” commented Chair of PCSP, Councillor Jill Macauley “This scheme gives householders reassurance and confidence that cold callers can clearly see the warning on the sticker and that they are not wanted at their door. Should the caller ignore that warning, it could constitute a breach of ‘Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading’ regulations, and further action may be taken by Trading Standards.”
Kevin McNamara, Area Inspector with the Trading Standards Service said, “Consumers should be careful and take their time before deciding to get work done to their home. Recommendations from friends and neighbours is always a better way of finding a reputable trader rather than engaging someone who calls unexpectedly to your home.”
Kevin McNamara added, “Consumers should be wary of responding to flyers, no matter how professional they look. In many cases they contain false information, leaving the doorstep trader difficult to trace when something goes wrong.”
Anyone who believes they have been a victim of a rogue doorstep trader should contact Consumerline on 0300 123 6262 for advice.
The project is not designed to apply to established callers such as a milk delivery or window-cleaners.
No Cold Calling Zone stickers are available on request from your local Crime Prevention Officer by calling 101 or from the Policing and Community Safety Partnership by calling 0300 0300 900.
If you are interested in your area becoming a No Cold Calling Zone please contact Annette Blaney at or contact your local Neighbourhood Policing Team on 101.