

Are you hiring? Then the ABC Virtual Job Fair Needs You!

Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council is calling on local businesses seeking to fill posts to get in touch and register for its...
Vax & Go transport for local residents image

Vax & Go transport for local residents

Lord Mayor, Councillor Kevin Savage, is urging residents across the borough who are without access to transport to avail of the free wheel chair...
Low angle picture of person running and cycling

Free Virtual 5km-10km & Sofa to Saddle Training Programmes

Move your running or cycling up a gear this spring with ABC Council’s free virtual 5km to 10km and Sofa to Saddle training programmes! Part...
Logo with pink writing saying dublin belfast and grey writing saying economic corridor

Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council to be part of Dublin Belfast Economic...

Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council is one of eight local authorities that came together today to launch the Dublin Belfast Economic Corridor...

Could you be a Sports Leader within your community?

Are you passionate about walking, cycling or running and keen to share this with others? Would you like to take part in free training...
couch to 5k graduate image

ConGRADulations to our Couch to 5K Graduates!

An amazing 200 residents from right across the borough persevered through the cold, wet weather and some sore feet to graduate with flying colours...
Vaccination center visit image

Lord Mayor visits Vaccination Centre

Lord Mayor, Councillor Kevin Savage, visited the Covid-19 Vaccination Centre at SLLC this week to thank the staff for their amazing work and to...
Graphic depicting play park guidance: be Covid-19 aware, no dogs, no wheeled equipment and respect the play park and others in it.

Everyone has a Role to Play in Respecting our Play Parks

With the noticeable stretch in the evenings and the dry, milder weather bringing many of us out and about more, ABC Council is calling...
Graphic with the name of the programme, Transform Your Business and its launch date, 23 March 2021.

Council’s New Business Support Programme to Help Local Firms Transform for the Future!

Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises will be able to reach their full potential, unlock innovation and reshape for the future with the help of...
Poetry competition advert

Calling all young poets! Get creative to celebrate Royal British Legion centenary

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Royal British Legion, a charity which has been providing financial, social and emotional support to members...