
Stop the senseless vandalism in our play parks

Between September 2023 and February 2024, vandalism across play parks in the ABC borough have cost the ratepayer a huge £15,561 – and children...

E-Scooters – know the law or you could risk fines and penalty points

How often do you see an e-scooter on pavements, roads or in cycle lanes? Did you know that this is actually illegal? E-scooters are more...

Campaign to reduce violence against women and girls launched

A campaign challenging sexism and misogyny within our society to help improve safety for women and girls has been launched by Armagh City, Banbridge...

Hill Street FC league success and anniversary recognised with civic reception

The Deputy Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon, Cllr Kyle Savage hosted a Civic Reception last evening for Hill Street Football Club,...

Lord Mayor announces Women’s Aid as chosen charity

Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough, Councillor Sarah Duffy, has announced Women's Aid Armagh Down as her chosen charity for her...

Over £200k Lottery Funding Gets New ABC Heritage Places Project Underway

Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council are delighted to announce that they have secured an initial award of £238,798 from The National Lottery...

Play your part in plastic bottle reduction by joining the Refillution

A diverse range of sports clubs right across the Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon (ABC) Borough are playing their part in the battle against...

ABC Council hosting important seminar on food allergens

The dangers posed by food allergens will be the focus of a seminar for local businesses next month, which is being organised by Armagh...

Recycling centres now accepting used vapes

RECYCLING centres across the ABC Borough are now accepting used vapes and council officers are asking people to avail of this new service and...

Get ready for summer fun in Armagh city centre

Are you ready for a summer of fun? Armagh Summer in the City is back! Join with the summer crew every Saturday from 20th July...