Lord Mayor


Schools across the borough celebrate Eco-Schools Green Flag Awards!

Children and teachers from across the borough have been recognised for their environmental work at the annual Eco-Schools Green Flag Awards. 17 local schools...
James Graham from Portadown with his Hereford champion at the 2022 Lurgan Show.

Lurgan Show: A Celebration of Farm to Fork

Local food and drink producers, farmers and agri businesses from the borough of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon – better known as the Food...
Lord Mayor Alderman Glenn Barr attends This Girl Can Inspiration Day, held at Dromore Community Centre on Wednesday 18 May 2022.

This Girl Can…Create Change Inspiration Day

Inspiring girls to create positive change and become more physically active is at the heart of a new collaborative pilot programme, launched at Dromore...
Pictured at Aghagallon Spar, Stephen Gartland (Spar), Constable Aine Campbell, Aisling Gillespie (ABC PCSP) and Sherene Reynolds (Southern Drug and Alcohol Connections Team).

Local ‘RAPID’ Bin Initiative Takes Thousands of Pills off Borough’s Streets

A campaign to help dispose of unwanted or unused drugs, whether prescribed or illegal, takes more than 65,000 pills off Armagh City, Banbridge and...
Age Friendly

Views Sought on New Age Friendly Strategy and Action Plan

Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough (ABC) Council is calling on residents to share their views on a new Age Friendly Strategy and three-year...
Lord Mayor Barr presents prizes to Walk ABC Challenge winners, Jodie O'Connor (her mother Bernie O'Connor), Diane Woods and Wendy Hilditch.

Local Residents Raise Money for Angel Wishes and Guide Dogs NI Through Epic Walking...

Around 100 local women, men and children recently complete demanding 150 mile walking challenge all in aid of charity. Organised by Armagh City, Banbridge and...
Roger Wilson, (ABC Council Chief Executive) pictured with Ciaran Kerr from Kinnego Herefords, who picked up six prizes in the Hereford classes at this year’s Balmoral show.

Borough’s Food Heartland Cream of the Crop at Balmoral Show

Local food and drink producers, farmers and agri businesses from the borough of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon – better known as the Food...

Armagh City, Banbridge & Craigavon Borough Council to Host Careers Inspiration Event for Year...

Armagh City, Banbridge & Craigavon Borough Council has announced it is hosting a pilot careers inspiration event for over 700 Year 9 pupils called...
Sports forum logo

Be part of the team: ABC Sports Forum Affiliation Now Open!

Join over 150 local sporting clubs and individuals who benefited from a range of tailored support, resources and guidance as an affiliated member of...
image of lord mayor and Pipers

UK Pipe Band Championship Blows in to Lurgan Park

Bands from the UK and Ireland will descend upon Lurgan Park on Saturday 11th June 2022 as the park plays host to the prestigious...