Shadow Northern Ireland Secretary Hilary Benn MP visits Portadown to assess the impact of...
On Thursday 16 November, Hilary Benn MP, the Shadow Northern Ireland Secretary, paid a visit to Portadown to witness the consequences of recent flooding...
Access to £7,500 Payments for Businesses Impacted by Flooding Announced
Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council have released the latest information for businesses impacted by the flooding emergency. A £7,500 Grant Payment is...
Action to Distribute Funding Package Support for Businesses
Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council has outlined the first steps in distributing the funding package aimed at flood affected businesses and aiding...
Enterprise Week Programme is launched to inspire and celebrate the local business sector
Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon, Alderman Margaret Tinsley has today (Monday 6th November) launched this year’s Enterprise Week programme aimed at...
Banbridge Place Plan set to shape the future
Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council are again inviting residents to shape the development of Banbridge. The draft ‘place plan’ sets out a...
‘Let’s Celebrate’ Lurgan with a Rising Star Family Fun Day
Lurgan is celebrating its status as a Rising Star on Saturday 28th October with a busy family fun day and free parking in all...
New Programme launched to support local businesses
ABC Council’s Transform Your Business Programme was officially launched yesterday, 27th September, by Lord Mayor, Alderman Margaret Tinsley in Lurgan Town Hall in front...
Expressions of Interest Sought For New ‘Fit For Future’ Scheme
Expressions of interest are being sought for a new grant scheme designed to promote vitality and vibrancy across the borough of Armagh City, Banbridge...
Local Job Fair success
Over 100 local job seekers turned out at Friday’s job fair in Lurgan Town Hall to meet local employers and potentially apply for job...
Gallery: HRH The Princess Royal visits World Sheep Dog Trials
The World Sheepdog Trials got underway on Wednesday 13th September at Gill Hall Estate, Dromore with a special visit from HRH The Princess Royal.