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Health & Safety

Health & Safety

The Environmental Health Department raise awareness of health and safety issues, providing support and advice to businesses, employees and members of the public. We enforce health and safety law through inspection of workplaces and the investigation of accidents and complaints.

In Northern Ireland, local councils and the Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland (HSENI) are responsible for health and safety in different sectors.

We have responsibility for: service sector businesses (hairdressers, beauticians, tattooists, undertakers), retail outlets, wholesale outlets, offices, restaurants, residential homes, places of entertainment and recreation facilities.

Information of the role of a Health and Safety Inspector can be found in the following leaflet.

To make a complaint or to seek advice
If you would like further advice or would like to make a complaint please contact us.

Reporting an Accident, Dangerous Occurrence or Occupational Health Disease
Certain accidents, incidents and diseases have to be reported by law. Employers are encouraged to use the the HSENI website online reporting forms available from here.

Hard copy forms are also available to download from the HSENI website here and on completion should be forwarded to:-

The Accident Clerk
83 Ladas Drive

To register your business with Evironmental Health please download, complete and return the Health and Safety Registration Form

The Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) (NI) Order 1985 requires that all persons that carry out any of these activities be registered with the local authority. Officers will visit the premises to ensure they comply with the requirements of both the Order and local Bye Laws that are in place.

If you offer tattooing, semi-permanent skin colouring, cosmetic piercing, or electrolysis in Northern Ireland, you must be registered with your local district council. If you work from premises, they must also be registered.

Once registered, you will be issued with a certificate of registration.

Eligibility Criteria
You must provide specific information including details of your premises and any previous convictions for practicing without a licence in this field. A fee maybe charged.

Regulation Summary
A summary of the eligibility criteria for this licence
Council byelaws on Cosmetic Piercing Council byelaws on Semi-Permanent Skin Colouring

Application Evaluation Process
An inspection of the premises will be carried out before the registration is processed.


Will Tacit Consent Apply?
No. It is in the public interest that that all equipment and premises to be used in such activities are inspected and found to be suitable and hygienic before you can begin trading to prevent the transfer of, or contamination from, blood borne, and other, diseases.

If you have not heard from the council within a reasonable period, please contact us.

Apply online
Application for a licence to carry out acupuncture, tattooing, piercing and/or electrolysis
Application to change a tattooists, piercing and electrolysis licence

Form to Download, Print and Post


Failed Application Redress
Please contact your Local District Council in the first instance.

Licence Holder Redress
Please contact your Local District Council in the first instance. If a registration is suspended or cancelled the registration holder may appeal to the county court.

Consumer Complaint
We would always advise that in the event of a complaint the first contact is made with the trader by you – preferably in the form a letter (with proof of delivery). If that has not worked, if you are located in the UK, Consumer Direct will give you advice. From outside the UK contact the UK European Consumer Centre.

Trade Associations

If you operate as a hairdresser in Northern Ireland, you must be registered with your local council.

Licence summary
Local district councils can make by-laws relating to the following:

  • inspecting premises
  • ensuring the premises are sufficiently clean, lit and ventilated
  • detailing precautions to be made in relation to protecting against contamination or infection
  • ensuring that anyone employed in such a business has sufficient training on how to use tools and
  • apparatus and for hygienic working methods
  • to require insurance to be in place against third party liabilities

Authorised officers of the district council will have the power to enter and inspect premises.

Eligibility Criteria
No provision in legislation.

Hairdressers Act (Northern Ireland) 1939 (Chapter 3)

Application Evaluation Process
An inspection of the premises will be carried out before the premises may receive their registration certificate.

Will Tacit Consent Apply?
No. It is in the public interest that that all equipment and premises to be used in such activities are inspected and found to be suitable and hygienic before you can begin trading to prevent the transfer of, or contamination from, blood borne, and other diseases.

Apply online
Application to register as a hairdresser
Application to change a hairdresser registration

Forms to Download, Print and Post

No fee is charged for this application.

Failed Application Redress
You are advised to take up any issue with the local district council first.

Licence Holder Redress
Please contact your local district council in the first instance. If a licence holder is convicted of an offence in a Magistrates court and the court cancel the registration, the licence holder may appeal against the cancellation to the court they were convicted in.

Consumer Complaint
We would always advise that in the event of a complaint the first contact is made with the  council by you – preferably in the form a letter (with proof of delivery). If that has not worked, if you are located in the UK, Consumer Direct will give you advice. From outside the UK contact the UK European Consumer Centre.

Trade Associations

If you control non-domestic premises you must ensure that you notify the local authority of any cooling tower or evaporative condenser (notifiable devices) on the premises. Notification must be in writing (including by electronic means) on a form approved by the Health & Safety Executive.

You must notify the local authority of any changes to the notification information within one month of the change, in writing. If the device ceases to be a notifiable device you must notify the local authority in writing as soon as possible.

Eligibility Criteria
No provision in legislation

Regulation Summary
A summary of the regulation relating to this licence.

Application Evaluation Process
No provision in legislation

Will Tacit Consent Apply?
Yes. This means that you will be able to act as though your application is granted if you have not heard from the local authority by the end of the target completion period.

Apply online
Notification of cooling towers and evaporative condensers
Application to change a cooling tower notification

Failed Application Redress
Please contact the Council ‘s Environmental Health Department on 0300 0300 900 or email: 

Licence Holder Redress
Please contact the Council ‘s Environmental Health Department on 0300 0300 900 email: 

Consumer Complaint
We would always advise that in the event of a complaint the first contact is made with the trader by you – preferably in the form a letter (with proof of delivery). If that has not worked, if you are located in the UK, Consumer Direct will give you advice. From outside the UK contact the UK European Consumer Centre.

Other Redress
Please contact the council.

A valid fireworks licence is needed to buy, possess and use certain types of fireworks. Find out how to apply for a licence, a list of registered firework retailers, and information about firework safety and the law.

Follow the links below if you wish to buy fireworks or have a fireworks display

For information and advice on Fire Safety  www.nifrs.org

Self-Assessment Questionnaire for Low Risk Premises

In order to minimise the regulatory burden on smaller businesses for example offices and smaller retailers, activities other than inspections are sometimes used to highlight health and safety matters and help direct lower risk businesses in their compliance with health and safety law.

The Environmental Health Department has produced a Self-Assessment Questionnaire for low risk premises.  It is designed so employers can determine whether they are reasonably knowledgeable about health and safety and if their premises and work related activities comply with current legislation.   An electronic version can be downloaded below.