Business grants available for small settlement properties

blue graphic saying Small Settlements Business Support Grant Scheme

Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council is delighted to announce the latest call for the Small Settlement Business Support grant scheme is now open.  This is a grant scheme aimed at revitalising commercial properties in rural towns and villages.

This initiative provides funding for facade enhancements and internal structural improvements to give local buildings a much-needed facelift and transform the aesthetic and functional appeal of our communities.

Two types of grants are available with funding up to £3,000 for building facades and up to £20,000 for reconfiguration of internal space. Both grants can provide funding up to 80% towards eligible costs and applicants must provide a minimum of 20% match funding towards the project.

This is the fourth call for the Small Settlements Business Grants Scheme which has seen 97 grants offered to date.

The settlements eligible to apply in this fourth call are Aghagallon, Bleary, Dollingstown, Donaghcloney, Drumnacanvy, Gilford, Hamiltonsbawn, Keady, Laurelvale/Mullavilly, Kinallen, Magheralin, Markethill, Rathfriland, Richhill, Tandragee and Waringstown.

Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council, Councillor Sarah Duffy, said, “We believe that enhancing the appearance and functionality of buildings in our small communities will not only preserve their unique character but also attract new businesses and residents. This grant is an exciting opportunity for property owners to invest in their buildings and, by extension, their communities.”

Small settlements are rural towns and villages, often rich in history and character. As with many towns, sometimes buildings fall into disrepair, hindering economic growth and community pride.  This programme assists property owners to undertake improvements to buildings, benefitting commercial viability for the business and for the settlement itself.

A woman standing in a shop front, looks to be a florist as she is holding a bunch of flowers.

The Small Settlement Business Support Grant scheme is a project delivered by the Council as part of the Covid Recovery Small Settlements Regeneration Programme.  This project is funded by Department for Communities (DfC) and Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA).

Communities Minister Gordon Lyons said, “The Covid Recovery Small Settlements Regeneration Programme is a great example of how departments have collaborated with our partners in local councils to reinvigorate the post-pandemic economy of our smaller rural towns.  It is hoped that initiatives such as the Business Support Grant Scheme will help regenerate these smaller villages and towns by enhancing and improving the appearance and condition of the existing buildings, therefore making these areas more attractive for business owners, shoppers and visitors.”

DAERA Minister Andrew Muir said, “Through the Covid Recovery Small Settlements Regeneration Programme my department has worked in partnership with other Departments and Councils to stimulate the regeneration and revitalisation of small settlements across Northern Ireland following the Covid Pandemic. This Small Settlement Business Support Grant Scheme will further enable the transformation of commercial properties in small settlements across Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council area and in doing so improve the outlook for rural businesses and residents alike. These funding opportunities help support a key priority for my department of building strong, sustainable and diverse rural communities.”

The scheme is open to applications from 18th November 2024 and will close on 17th January 2025 at 12 noon. There will be online information sessions starting on Monday 25th November at 7pm. For further details and the application, please visit the Council’s Funding Hub at or contact the Small Settlements Team at