Lord Mayor Margaret Tinsley visited Banbridge Town Centre to view the completed ‘Arrivals project’ along with the projects steering group which is made up of representatives of the Chamber of Commerce and Councillors
Following an investment of over £350,000 a wide range of town centre improvements were driven forward to enhance the town’s physical environment, improve linkages and capitalise on the area’s tourism potential.
The project has delivered a range of new street art, restored, and deep cleaned The Crozier Monument while supporting a wider regeneration programme in the town centre. New town signage has also been added which shares local history and heritage information, town maps and points of interest. The signs run from the Crozier monument to The Boulevard making these a useful point of information for locals and visitors to the town.
Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council, Alderman Margaret Tinsley commented:
“Banbridge is a bustling town, and I am delighted to see that the new street art positively reinforces this along with the other town improvements. The local community have played a vital role in embracing and appreciating the bright, bold and thought-provoking designs, which convey a story about bygone Banbridge.
“Thanks to everyone involved in the Banbridge Arrivals project, helping to create a great first impression among local and international visitors coming to the area.
“We can already see positive results of the ongoing public realm works and I’m looking forward to seeing this major investment complete in the months ahead. The full regeneration project is really taking shape to support the long term economic and social prosperity of the town centre, making it an even more attractive place to shop, visit and be proud of.”
Five highly acclaimed artists were also commissioned to transform key focal points in the town centre into a stunning works of art that celebrated the town’s history and heritage.
Department for Communities Minister, Gordon Lyons said, “I am delighted that my Department have provided £250,000 of funding towards these enhancement in Banbridge town centre, which highlight the rich history of the town. Investment in schemes such as this are fundamental to the long-term viability and prosperity of our town and city centres.”