Armagh City, Banbridge & Craigavon Borough Council to Host Careers Inspiration Event for Year 9 Pupils


Armagh City, Banbridge & Craigavon Borough Council has announced it is hosting a pilot careers inspiration event for over 700 Year 9 pupils called 4C UR Future LIVE in June 2022.

Designed and delivered by local social enterprise, 4C UR Future, the industry-led Community Interest Company – founded by business leader Rose Mary Stalker – works collaboratively with a wide range of employers from the key sectors in Northern Ireland, with the aim of empowering young people to make more informed education and career choices.

4C UR Future LIVE is a fun, fast-paced, and action-packed day of interactive skills games and work-based challenges, with each game co-created and delivered by local employers, giving Year 9 students an insight into the future world of work, as well as their own strengths and talents.

Announcing support for the event, Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon, Alderman Glenn Barr, said: “We are delighted to host this exciting and interactive careers event – showcasing future opportunities available to our wonderful young people across the Borough.  It has never been more important to provide the resources needed to help every young person take their best next step.”

“There are many pathways for them to explore and it is vitally important to support young people to help them make informed choices about their future career paths and understand what’s needed to be successful in the workplace.”

“I would also encourage local businesses or organisations to get involved in this event and connect with the next generation of employees.”

4C UR Future Managing Director, Rachel Doherty, commented:

“With the support of Armagh City, Banbridge & Craigavon Council, we’re delighted to be holding a pilot 4C UR Future LIVE event at the South Lake Leisure Centre in June. Over 50 employers are involved in 4C UR Future LIVE 2022 and we’re mobilising almost 300 ‘Career Heroes’ from our volunteer community to deliver and facilitate the LIVE events across the province. We welcome more local employers reach out and get involved in these game-changing events.”

The world of work is changing rapidly with new jobs, and even entirely new sectors, emerging. This has resulted in a complex careers landscape that can make choosing GCSE subjects, further education pathways, and future career options overwhelming, confusing, and stressful for our young people.

Through 4C UR Future LIVE events and our first-generation CAREERS PORTAL, which is launching in September, we aim to inform young people of the wide range of opportunities available to them, help them navigate the complex careers landscape, and inspire them to achieve their ambitions and become the best version of themselves.”

For more information on 4C UR Future, and local employers can get involved, go to: