ABC Council Marks Borough 100-Year-Olds for NI Centenary

One male and one female
Launching the centenary civic gift initiative, Lord Mayor Alderman Glenn Barr and Lady Mayoress, Mrs Andrea Barr.

To celebrate Northern Ireland’s centenary year, Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon, Alderman Glenn Barr will present one-off civic gifts to local residents who turn 100 in 2021.

Forming part of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough (ABC) Council’s ‘Our People, Our Place, Our Story’ campaign to mark the centenary of Northern Ireland, the initiative aims to recognise and highlight some of the remarkable people that make the borough such a special place.

In celebration of this major milestone during Northern Ireland’s historic year, Lord Mayor, Alderman Glenn Barr will present each local centenarian with a congratulatory certificate and a beautiful, bespoke Belfast Crystal award.

To reach all those eligible to receive the honour and wish them a happy birthday, Lord Mayor Alderman Glenn Barr is calling on local residents to get in touch and help council identify those who have or will be turning 100 this year.

“Reaching the age of 100 is an incredible milestone and even more so in 2021 as we mark Northern Ireland’s centenary year,” commented Lord Mayor Alderman Glenn Barr.

“Born in 1921, our local centenarians have lived and breathed through Northern Ireland’s entire existence and I very much look forward to meeting everyone to present them with their award and hear their personal stories and experiences.”

More information

If you, a friend, relative or neighbour has or will be turning 100 this year, ABC Council is encouraging you to get in touch and let them know. To make a nomination, please contact the Lord Mayor’s Office on or 028 3752 9633 and provide:

  • Recipient’s name and date of birth
  • Contact telephone number and email address.

For more information on our campaign to mark 100 years of Northern Ireland click here.