A time to say Thanks for Volunteer Week (1-7 June)

Volunteer Week

A time to say thanks: Recognising the contribution of volunteers across our borough

Volunteers have continued to give so much time, energy, commitment and skills to the communities and organisations that they have supported through another difficult year.  The contribution of volunteers is often unseen and unrecognised by many, visible only through the incredible impact of their volunteering.

However, the coronavirus pandemic has rightly raised the profile of volunteering and more people than ever are aware of the immense contribution being made every single day.

There are many reasons to volunteer in sport – volunteers make sport happen and create the next generation of sporting stars.  You could be giving back but you’ll also be helping make sport happen, without people like you, sport would not work!

There are also many benefits to the individual who volunteers.  It can be a hugely rewarding experience with many benefit including positive mental, social, and physical benefits, as well as developing new skills

Running from 1 – 7 June the theme for this year’s Volunteer Week is ‘a time to say thanks’ and we want to encourage everyone to take the time to say ‘Thank You’ to everyone who has made a difference through their voluntary efforts.