Southern Area Men’s Health Conference 2025

A large group of people attending the Southern Area Men's Health Conference at Lough Neagh Discovery Centre.

‘Strong Foundations – Healthy Relationships Matter’ was the theme of this year’s Men’s Health Conference delivered by the Southern Area Men’s Health Steering Group at the Lough Neagh Discovery Centre on Thursday 13 March.

Over 100 representatives from local schools, men’s sheds and men’s health professionals attended the event, which focused on the importance of establishing strong and healthy foundations that support positive relationships at all stages of life.

Through a series of workshops and discussions, guests received practical tips and tools to support them through their life journey of making better social connections with family and friends, developing healthy hobbies, embracing the power of exercise and signposting to local support services.

Guest Speaker, Kevin Duggan, Interim Social Care Commissioning Lead, delivered a powerful presentation on building the foundations of strong and healthy relationships between fathers and their children in the early years.

Workshops explored themes including ‘When Relationships go Wrong’ (lead by Michael Lynch, Men’s Action Network and Adam Murphy, Actor from Co Armagh); ‘Young Men and Why Healthy Relationships Matter’ (lead by Caelan Donnelly and Adam Murphy, Youth Action NI) and ‘Maintaining Healthy Relationships in Later Years’ (lead by Mick Cairns, Lurgan Men’s Shed and Stiofán MacCléirigh, Armagh Men’s Shed).

Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Kyle Savage joins in on a drumming session with boys from local schools.

Speaking at the event, Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Kyle Savage said: “Research shows that unfortunately men and boys often experience a disproportionate burden of ill-health and die too young due to a range of factors such as poor lifestyle choices, mental health and wellbeing issues and late presentation to health services.

“Despite many of these conditions being preventable, their prevalence amongst men may, in fact rise in the future, so I am urging men and boys to trust their instincts when it comes to changes in their physical or mental health and to act before it’s too late.

“Events such as this, are important in raising awareness of the real issues impacting on men and are a positive step in educating men about taking ownership of their health and wellbeing.”

The steering group is a partnership of practitioners and representatives of services and organisations across the Southern Trust area, with a remit and commitment to improving the health of men in the local area.

The group was established in 2012 with the purpose to support the development of new approaches to engage with and inform boys and men about health issues, provide a forum for sharing information on local initiatives and identify local need thereby improving the health and wellbeing of boys and men.

Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough (ABC) Council’s Health Inequalities Team within the Community Development Department, lead on Men’s Health in the Southern Area. The event was funded by the Public Health Agency and Southern Health and Social Care Trust.

A group of people standing beside the Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Kyle Savage.