Home Resident Street Naming and Postal Numbering

Street Naming and Postal Numbering

Street Naming and Postal Numbering

We are responsible for the naming of streets, the allocation of numbers to properties on a particular road or street and the re-numbering of properties, subject to certain conditions.

It is important that the naming of streets and numbering of properties is carried out at an early stage for a new development.  It is useful for the new home owners to have the correct address when they move in and also helps other bodies including the Post Office, Land & Property Services and Emergency Services.

How is an application made?

A developer, architect or can submit a written request for a name(s) of a new street/road together with a layout plan of the proposed development.  We strongly recommend the use of the council policy for street naming and numbering is adhered to.

You should contact us before creating title or promotional literature for any new property or development.  Incorrect or unauthorised postal addresses can create confusion and could cause complications for the emergency services and the occupiers.

Is there a charge?

At present there is no fee payable.

What happens when an application is made?

We will consider the proposal and report to the Planning and Regulatory Services Committee.  Proposed name(s) will be approved if they are suitable and are in accordance with the relevant policy.  If approval is not given, the applicant will be asked to submit alternative name(s) for consideration.  We will also consider the proposed postal numbering scheme.

What happens when a name is approved?

We notify the applicant accordingly.  At the same time we will confirm a suitable numbering layout and notify a number of other bodies including the Post Office, Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service and Land & Property Services.

Proposed name(s) should not be displayed on site until they have been approved by council.