Banbridge has a plan to place it firmly on the map


There are exciting times ahead for Banbridge as the Community Planning Strategic Partnership for Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council launched the Banbridge Place Plan at Southern Regional College Banbridge Campus on Wednesday 20 March 2024.

The Banbridge Place Plan launch saw a host of speakers, including Communities Minister Gordon Lyons, The Lord Mayor, elected representatives, Council officials and business and community representatives, to highlight the dynamic opportunities the Banbridge Place Plan will present.

Coordinated by Armagh City Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council and funded by the Department for Communities, the plan, which is the second such plan for the borough, was developed through engagement with local residents, community groups, businesses, stakeholders and statutory organisations to produce a visionary plan for Banbridge. It aims to create a place of inspiration, independence, and innovation, which is welcoming and where the River Bann will regain its importance and help grow Banbridge as a thriving place to live, work and visit.

Speaking at the event Communities Minister Gordon Lyons said, I am really pleased that my department has played a key role in the development of the Banbridge Place Plan. The vision of the Plan is “celebrating our innovators and independents”. I believe the Plan will help us to build on Banbridge’s unique characteristics and strengths to shape an even more prosperous, healthy, engaging and connected town. I look forward to seeing this ambitious vision for Banbridge come to life over the coming months and years.”

Lord Mayor of Armagh City Banbridge and Craigavon Borough, Alderman Margaret Tinsley added

“The collaborative partnership process that has created this forward-thinking Place Plan for Banbridge is a clear indicator of the energy, passion and commitment which local businesses, statutory agencies, community organisations and residents have for Banbridge.

This Place Plan recognises and celebrates the innovators and independents that feed into the vision to achieve the “Banbridge of Tomorrow” one which will be a connected, active, innovative, growing, sustainable and environmentally responsible town”

The Place Plan for Banbridge will provide a guiding framework to shape future development and has a clear set of five outcomes, 56 actions and 13 big ideas.  The ‘big ideas’ include linking the riverside walk between Church Square, Solitude Park and Havelock Park, extension of the FE McWilliams Gallery, the development of a network of integrated paths and cycle-ways, developing the evening economy plus a range of engaging local activity programmes.

The Place Plan features a number of actions under the theme of ‘Living Here’ where local groups and organisations will be encouraged to get involved to shape their place through on the ground collaboration.

Focusing on Banbridge as a brilliant place to live, actions include those that promote living high streets that meet the demand for safe, well-lit places to be. Beyond the high streets, actions respond to demand for allotments, spaces to play and engage in sports. This cluster also  suggests ways for the community to collaborate, including responding to the issues of poverty and loneliness.

Going forward the Community Planning Partnership recognises that in order to successfully deliver the actions outlined in the Place Plan, engagement and collaborative relationships is key and will strive to continue to engage with its partners, the Community Voluntary Sector Panel, local community groups, businesses and residents to help create a vibrant and progressive town of innovative industries and active citizens, makers, and discoverers, that celebrate and share its rich heritage and make it an even better place to live and be proud of.

The Banbridge Place Plan can be viewed by clicking Banbridge Place Plan