Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough (ABC) Council’s fun-filled All Stars Summer Scheme brings smiles to the faces of 41 local young people once more.
Organised and delivered by ABC Council’s Sports Development team and supported by the Southern Health and Social Care Trust, the All Stars Summer Scheme brings together young people with disabilities aged between 7 and 17 to enjoy a range of inclusive physical and sporting activities in a series of weeklong sessions throughout July and August.
Joining in on the fun during his visits at the All Stars Summer Scheme sessions, Deputy Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon, Councillor Tim McClelland said:
“It’s been an absolute pleasure to come along to All Stars Summer Scheme and present the children with their certificates.
“The scheme – which is led by qualified instructors and coaches – provides our young participants with the opportunity to enjoy new opportunities in a fun, safe and exciting environment. These invaluable experiences not only help the children build new skills, break down barriers and become more active but they also provide them with the chance to grow in confidence and forge new, life-long friendships.”
Based at Gilford Recreation Centre, the scheme saw participants enjoy and experience everything from outdoor play, nature walks, football, inclusive bike and wheelie boat sessions to dance classes, boccia, kurling, clay modelling, arts and crafts as well as an away day to South Lake Leisure Centre.
To learn more about the All Stars Summer Scheme, please contact: .