Home Council Equality



This Framework details the Council’s statement of intent and approach to ensure equality and diversity.

5 Principles of the Framework
Principle 1: Ensuring we work in a non-discriminatory environment, promote equality, and model best practice in equality and good relations
Principle 2: Ensuring all our decisions are based on evidence to assess the likely impact of a policy on the promotion of equality of opportunity and good relations
Principle 3: Providing access to services, facilities and information
Principle 4: Recruiting and employing people fairly
Principle 5: Responding to and learning from complaints and incidents in a positive and pro-active way

Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 requires all public sector bodies to promote equality of opportunity and good relations. In carrying out its functions, the Council must have due regard to the need to promote equality of opportunity between:

  • Persons of different religious belief, political opinion, racial group, age, marital status or sexual orientation
  • Between men and women generally
  • Between persons with a disability and persons without
  • Between persons with dependants and persons without

In addition, the Council must have regard to the desirability of promoting good relations between persons of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group.

The Council’s Equality Scheme is a statement of the Council’s commitment to the promotion of equality of opportunity and good relations and also outlines how it will meet its obligations under Section 75. The Equality Commission for Northern Ireland approved Armagh City Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council’s Equality Scheme which has been prepared in accordance with the Commission’s guidance on the implementation of section 75. A copy of the Equality Scheme is available to download below.

The Council’s Equality Scheme includes a commitment to develop an action plan of measures to promote equality of opportunity and good relations. The action plan did not form part of the approval process for the equality scheme, but was recommended by the Equality Commission as a demonstration of a public authority’s commitment to implementation of the Scheme. The Audit of Inequalities formed the basis of the Action Plan.

Equality Screening Reports 2022/2023

Completed Individual Screening Templates

Age Friendly Strategy 306.95 KB DownloadPreview
Almost Home Animal Charity NI - May 2023 183.07 KB DownloadPreview
Aquatic Framework 2019-2024 246.19 KB DownloadPreview
Armagh Free Presbyterian Church Holiday Bible Camp 255.19 KB DownloadPreview
B-Positive - August 2023 182.61 KB DownloadPreview
Banbridge Place Plan 610.22 KB DownloadPreview
Banbridge Town Dressing Project 339.11 KB DownloadPreview
Bells Fun Fair - May 2023 183.36 KB DownloadPreview
Clean Neighbourhoods Policy 501.06 KB DownloadPreview
Community Facility Charges 253.22 KB DownloadPreview
Complaints Policy 436.06 KB DownloadPreview
Contract Management Policy 450.31 KB DownloadPreview
Corporate Health and Safety Policy 372.75 KB DownloadPreview
Country comes to Town event - Sept 2023 183.66 KB DownloadPreview
Dog Control Enforcement Policy 402.17 KB DownloadPreview
Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Policy 892.74 KB DownloadPreview
Efficiency Plan 24-25 277.02 KB DownloadPreview
Emmanuel Church fun day - April 2023 184.22 KB DownloadPreview
Environmental Health Fees Policy 272.91 KB DownloadPreview
Fee setting of Street Trading licences Policy 281.20 KB DownloadPreview
Food Sampling Policy 307.18 KB DownloadPreview
Fun fair at Solitude Park - June 2023 187.64 KB DownloadPreview
General Enforcement Policy 245.35 KB DownloadPreview
Huhtamaki Fun Day - May 2023 182.50 KB DownloadPreview
Land & Property Inspection Policy 337.59 KB DownloadPreview
Learning and Development Policy 342.70 KB DownloadPreview
Light up for Israel 316.09 KB DownloadPreview
Lurgan Park District LOL Parking - July 2023 182.58 KB DownloadPreview
Lurgan Show 2023 182.76 KB DownloadPreview
Museums Access Policy Statement 2023 294.06 KB DownloadPreview
PIPs Darkness into Light event - May 2023 182.77 KB DownloadPreview
Performance Improvement Objectives 321.85 KB DownloadPreview
Performance Policy 597.45 KB DownloadPreview
Playing for the Future Craigavon Cup - June 2023 184.23 KB DownloadPreview
Portadown Canine Club - May 2023 182.87 KB DownloadPreview
Portadown Running Festival 2023 192.98 KB DownloadPreview
Procurement Policy 338.51 KB DownloadPreview
Public Right of Way Policy 659.16 KB DownloadPreview
Quality Management Policy 315.94 KB DownloadPreview
Remote Meetings Protocol 183.94 KB DownloadPreview
Safeguarding-Policy 603.26 KB DownloadPreview
Small Settlement Business Support Grant Scheme 2022 364.97 KB DownloadPreview
Smoking Policy 277.26 KB DownloadPreview
Sports Grant Aid Scheme 339.48 KB DownloadPreview
Square Wheels Challenge Her - May 2023 180.80 KB DownloadPreview
Square Wheels Cycling Club - 2023 182.34 KB DownloadPreview
St Peters half marathon event - August 2023 182.59 KB DownloadPreview
Street Trading Policy & Procedure 299.01 KB DownloadPreview
Test Purchasing Policy 286.92 KB DownloadPreview
Ulster Cyclocross League 9 Race Event 178.60 KB DownloadPreview
Ulster Secondary Schools Association District D Cross Country Event 179.70 KB DownloadPreview
Ultra Marathon Event - April 2023 183.11 KB DownloadPreview
Work Experience and Placement Procedure 944.71 KB DownloadPreview
Work Experience and Placement Procedure 944.71 KB DownloadPreview

Previous Equality Screening Reports

Previously Completed Individual Screening Templates

4C UR Future Live Event 352.54 KB DownloadPreview
Agriculture Strategy 468.98 KB DownloadPreview
Armagh Place Plan 789.04 KB DownloadPreview
Armed Forces Day 18 June 22 249.17 KB DownloadPreview
Banbridge Baptist Church Praise in the Park Event 198.38 KB DownloadPreview
Banbridge Paint Scheme 264.87 KB DownloadPreview
Banbridge Public Realm Scheme 633.31 KB DownloadPreview
Brownstown Park Football Tournament 339.90 KB DownloadPreview
Capability Procedure 294.76 KB DownloadPreview
Casual Usage Policy 315.78 KB DownloadPreview
Collection of Waste 483.75 KB DownloadPreview
Commemorative Memorial Licence Application 358.38 KB DownloadPreview
Connected Covid19 Response Recovery Plan 374.28 KB DownloadPreview
Disciplinary Policy 142.47 KB DownloadPreview
Empty to Occupied Programme 372.65 KB DownloadPreview
Financial Regulations June 2022 397.41 KB DownloadPreview
Flexi Working Hours Scheme 522.00 KB DownloadPreview
Fraud Policy 428.26 KB DownloadPreview
Furlough Policy 203.27 KB DownloadPreview
Get Moving ABC Framework 288.29 KB DownloadPreview
Gifts and Hospitality Policy 360.01 KB DownloadPreview
Grievance Procedure 141.08 KB DownloadPreview
ICT Acceptable Use Policy 196.10 KB DownloadPreview
Implement a Participatory Budgeting Pilot 258.43 KB DownloadPreview
Leave Entitlement Policy 396.51 KB DownloadPreview
Lurgan Baptist Church Praise in the Park event 381.41 KB DownloadPreview
Lurgan Park Funfair 327.59 KB DownloadPreview
Lurgan Park annual dog championships 329.24 KB DownloadPreview
Managing Attendance Policy 161.71 KB DownloadPreview
Menopause Policy 464.18 KB DownloadPreview
Millennium Way Off Street Car Park 464.55 KB DownloadPreview
NI Centenary Programme 375.40 KB DownloadPreview
Naming Navan Coffee Shop 315.28 KB DownloadPreview
Non-Fixed Play 493.99 KB DownloadPreview
Play Park Closures 354.36 KB DownloadPreview
Play Strategy - Play Park Oxford Island 469.12 KB DownloadPreview
Play Strategy 2018 - 2026, Play Park Local Neighbourhood and District 467.13 KB DownloadPreview
Public Consultaton 388.65 KB DownloadPreview
Queens Platinum Jubilee Programme 265.36 KB DownloadPreview
RBL Loughgall Country Park 234.56 KB DownloadPreview
RBL Treeplanting 100th Anniversary 379.13 KB DownloadPreview
RBL Treeplanting Portadown 365.55 KB DownloadPreview
Recognition Proposal 323.46 KB DownloadPreview
Recovery & Growth Framework 256.00 KB DownloadPreview
Review of Toilet Services 1.28 MB DownloadPreview
Severance & Redundancy Policy 307.83 KB DownloadPreview
Street Naming and Numbering 211.07 KB DownloadPreview
TJ McElmeel Cross Country Event 2022 336.25 KB DownloadPreview
Tandragee Public Realm Scheme 353.26 KB DownloadPreview
Tree Managment Policy 346.16 KB DownloadPreview
Urban Identities 417.38 KB DownloadPreview
Waringstown Public Realm Scheme 360.78 KB DownloadPreview
Whistleblowing Policy 412.99 KB DownloadPreview

Under Section 75, the Council is required to screen all its services and policies to identify any existing or potential impact on equality of opportunity and good relations. Where there is an adverse impact, the Council will conduct a detailed review of the policy and seek ways to eliminate or reduce the impact. This process is called equality impact assessment. Both policy screening and equality impact assessment reports are subject to public consultation.

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